Login into D2L
click on your D2L course
In the Navigation Bar, go to “Edit Course”
Locate “Course Offering Information” and click on it.
Change the dates when your course can start and end. You can also activate and deactivate your course
From: Jorgensen, Gregory S.
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 10:07 AM
To: Miltenoff, Plamen
Subject: RE: Voice Mail from Galler, Robert W. (33 seconds)
When downloading some D2L Content (usually Microsoft Office documents) with Internet Explorer, the security settings don’t allow the document to be edited properly.
The solution is to use a different browser, such as FireFox, Safari or Chrome, *OR*, choose ‘Save’ (rather than ‘Open’) and save the file. When it’s opened, the ‘enable editing’ feature will work properly.
what is DRM:
Digital rights management
Companies such as Amazon,AT&T, AOL, Apple Inc., Google[1], BBC, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, and Sony use digital rights management.
Those opposed to DRM contend there is no evidence that DRM helps prevent copyright infringement, arguing instead that it serves only to inconvenience legitimate customers, and that DRM helps big business stifle innovation and competition.[6] Furthermore, works can become permanently inaccessible if the DRM scheme changes or if the service is discontinued.
Digital Storytelling: Get Creative with the Common Core
Dr. Miltenoff and Dr. Schnellert presented at MADLAT (http://madlat.ca/) their cross-cultural comparison and research on the use of social media in education:
Please enter your thoughts and ideas about the use of social media sites in education
Digital literacy includes the ability to find and use information (otherwise known as information literacy) but goes beyond this to encompass communication, collaboration and teamwork, social awareness in the digital environment, understanding of e-safety and creation of new information. Both digital and information literacy are underpinned by critical thinking and evaluation.
how to evaluate digital literacy
working document for information literacy at
Please consider a convenient handout to start your course video production in Movie Maker: