Amazon Ring and surveillance

since Amazon bought Ring in 2018, it has brokered more than 1,800 partnerships with local law enforcement agencies. These partnerships are growing at an alarming rate.

more on surveillance in this IMS blog

Gamification project in education

From the Higher Ed Learning Collective:

Kerry Lorette

Have any of you implemented a gamification project and lived to tell the tale? Did you publish? I’m looking for papers and case studies to share in a course I’m writing about gamification in higher education. Please share your wisdom, links, posts, papers, presentations, videos, etc and many thanks!

excellent thread with a lot of materials:

Statistics is puzzling: Testing a novel approach to statistics learning.

Improved student independence through competitive tinkering

Gamification in the Business Communication Course

The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursework as a Game

AR for Remote Access and Skill Retention

Manufacturers set the pace in the Augmented Reality race

Vuforia® Expert Capture Technology and Microsoft’s HoloLens glasses were used to create a virtual guide hosted in the cloud and then accessed by engineers in a number of factories across the UK

Industry has been searching for some time for an answer to an ageing workforce and the worrying scenario of traditional engineering skills being potentially lost forever.

AR can be used to record skills as engineers are performing them, saving them in the Cloud for generations to come – almost like a virtual technical library.

Importantly, these instructions can be delivered at the point of use, which has been proven to speed up learning.

more on AR in this IMS blog

Medicine & Mindfulness

Medicine & Mindfulness: How VR Training Is Helping Healthcare Through The Pandemic–mindfulness-how-vr-training-is-helping-healthcare-through-the-pandemic/

Virtual Reality (VR) training tools are here to help, ensuring that healthcare professionals can be trained remotely, immersively, and more thoroughly than traditional methods for both front-line medicine and in specialist procedures.

use of wearable contact tracing sensors or VR training tools in the education sector and in an high-pressure medical context

Their VR platform uses personalized prediction software and “gamification and varied content formats to engage users and embed knowledge”, and has been used to “deliver typically labor-intensive training quickly and at scale”

“VR enables medics to immerse themselves in these infrequent scenarios, and can reduce skill fade by 52% and improve learning retention rates by up to 75% (compared to 10% for traditional methods),”

Simulated virtual learning can also ease the psychological burden of notoriously intensive medical training and place more emphasis on wellbeing.

more on mindfulness in this IMS blog

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