Searching for "teach"

The Four Stages of Moving from Traditional to Online Teaching

The Four Stages of Moving from Traditional to Online Teaching

1.      Sage on the Stage:

In this stage the teacher takes on traditional lecture-style teaching and hasn’t yet implemented any online or blended learning strategies.

2.      Stranger in a Strange Land:

Next, the teacher becomes a Stranger in a Strange Land, as instruction moves to the computer, and the computer becomes the primary instructional tool. At this stage, the teacher is still unsure of how they fit in but is experimenting with and utilizing online tools to enhance instruction.

3.      Resource:

As the teacher continues to evolve, they enter the Resource stage, and while the computer is still the primary instructional tool, the teacher is comfortable being a resource, answering questions and re-teaching when asked.

4.      Facilitator and Initiator of Interventions:

Wearable Technology: How Teachers Could Use it with Students

Wearable Technology: How Teachers Could Use it with Students – See more at:

Wearable Technology: How Teachers Could Use it with Students

Ohio lawmakers want to limit the teaching of the scientific process

Ohio lawmakers want to limit the teaching of the scientific process

what happens when politicians decide to meddle in the process called education.



Teaching Is Not a Business

Teaching Is Not a Business

Business does have something to teach educators, but it’s neither the saving power of competition nor flashy ideas like disruptive innovation.

While technology can be put to good use by talented teachers, they, and not the futurists, must take the lead. The process of teaching and learning is an intimate act that neither computers nor markets can hope to replicate. Small wonder, then, that the business model hasn’t worked in reforming the schools — there is simply no substitute for the personal element.


How Teachers Can Use Video Games In The Humanities Classroom

How Teachers Can Use Video Games In The Humanities Classroom

What if teachers used video games as texts? Let’s think about how we might teach kids to think critically about the underlying messages in commercial games and how we might leverage video games for their ability to engage students and provoke conversation.

At the moment, there’s far too little critical examination of video games happening in school. We take it for granted that we should teach our students how to read books interpretively, how to analyze movies, and how to read the newspaper critically. But all too often we overlook video games as a meaningless triviality.

The 70 Best Apps For Teachers And Students

The 70 Best Apps For Teachers And Students

70 Best Apps For Teachers And Students

How blended learning will change teaching – infographic

How blended learning will change teaching

Like the other responders, I am concerned with the “sustainable higher pay” part on the bottom of the infographic, otherwise, well outlined.

How blended learning will change teaching

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