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Online cheating

Online Cheating Isn’t Going Away. Use It as a Teachable Moment for Students and Educators

By Wade Tyler Millward     Jul 27, 2020

my note:
Nothing new in this article. It has been wildly known for a long time that the larger part of students commit academic dishonesty because they are not educated on that issue.

More on Online cheating the same as blog

Competency-Based Education and Project-Based Learning

Competency-Based Education and Project-Based Learning


The Glossary of Education Reform, “Competency-based learning refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating that they have learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress though their education.”

The benefits, or drawbacks, of competency-based learning (CBL) — also known as competency-based education, mastery-based education, performance-based education, standards-based education and proficiency-based education — are up for debate. Regardless, there are an increasing number of these types of programs, particularly in for-profit colleges.

Competency-based education, in short, focuses on mastery of content, not on how long it takes to learn it.

What’s the Difference Between Project- and Challenge-Based Learning, Anyway?


Problem-Based Learning vs. Project-Based Learning

Problem-based learning is a category of experiential learning that involves students in the process of critical thinking to examine problems that lack a well-defined answer. In problem-based learning, students are given a problem with only preliminary information. They work towards solving the problems themselves, rather than reviewing how others have resolved the situation or problem as in a case study. They do not produce a product as in project-based learning, and students are not necessarily working in the community unless they are gathering data.

Problem-based learning fosters students’ metacognitive skills. They must be consciously aware of what they already know about an area of discovery as well as what they do not know.

Project-based learning is a category of experiential learning where students are presented with a complex problem or question that has multiple potential solutions and possibilities for exploration. However, after studying this problem or question in their teams, students are challenged to develop a plan and create a product or artifact that addresses the problem.



Critical Infrastructure Studies & Digital Humanities

Critical Infrastructure Studies & Digital Humanities

Alan Liu, Urszula Pawlicka-Deger, and James Smithies, Editors

Deadline for 500-word abstracts: December 15, 2021

For more info:

Part of the Debates in the Digital Humanities Series A book series from the University of Minnesota Press Matthew K. Gold and Lauren F. Klein, Series Editors

Critical infrastructure studies has emerged as a framework for linking thought on the complex relations between society and its material structures across fields such as science and technology studies, design, ethnography, media infrastructure studies, feminist theory, critical race and ethnicity studies, postcolonial studies, environmental studies, animal studies, literary studies, the creative arts, and others (see the Bibliography )

CIstudies Bibliography

Debates in the Digital Humanities 2019

teaching quantitative methods:

Problem 1: Programming Is Not an End in Itself

An informal consensus seems to have emerged that if students in the humanities are going to make use of quantitative methods, they should probably first learn to program. Introductions to this dimension of the field are organized around programming languages: The Programming Historian is built around an introduction to Python; Matthew Jockers’s Text Analysis with R is at its heart a tutorial in the R language; Taylor Arnold and Lauren Tilton’s Humanities Data in R begins with chapters on the language; Folgert Karsdorp’s Python Programming for the Humanities is a course in the language with examples from stylometry and information retrieval.[11] “On the basis of programming,” writes Moretti in “Literature, Measured,” a recent retrospective on the work of his Literary Lab, “much more becomes possible”

programming competence is not equivalent to competence in analytical methods. It might allow students to prepare data for some future analysis and to produce visual, tabular, numerical, or even interactive summaries; Humanities Data in R gives a fuller survey of the possibilities of exploratory data analysis than the other texts.[15] Yet students who have focused on programming will have to rely on their intuition when it comes to interpreting exploratory results. Intuition gives only a weak basis for arguing about whether apparent trends, groupings, or principles of variation are supported by the data. 

From Humanities to Scholarship: Librarians, Labor, and the Digital

Bobby L. Smiley

First hired as a “digital humanities librarian,” I saw my title changed within less than a year to “digital scholarship librarian,” with a subject specialty later appended (American History). Some three-plus years later at a different institution, I now find myself a digital-less “religion and theology librarian.” At the same time, in this position, my experience and expertise in digital humanities (or “digital scholarship”) are assumed, and any associated duties are already baked into the job description itself.

Jonathan Senchyne has written about the need to reimagine library and information science graduate education and develop its capacity to recognize, accommodate, and help train future library-based digital humanists in both computational research methods and discipline-focused humanities content (368–76). However, less attention has been paid to tracking where these digital humanities and digital scholarship librarians come from, the consequences and opportunities that arise from sourcing librarians from multiple professional and educational stations, and the more ontological issues associated with the nature of their labor—that is, what is understood as work for the digital humanist in the library and what librarians could be doing.

More on digital humanities in this blog

emotional value of immersive virtual reality in education

Makransky, G., & Lilleholt, L. (2018). A structural equation modeling investigation of the emotional value of immersive virtual reality in education. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(5), 1141–1164.
an affective path in which immersion predicted presence and positive emotions, and a cognitive path in which immersion fostered a positive cognitive value of the task in line with the control value theory of achievement emotions.
business analyses and reports (e.g., Belini et al. 2016; Greenlight and Roadtovr 2016), predict that virtual reality (VR) could be the biggest future computing platform of all time.
better understanding of the utility and impact of VR when it is applied in an educational context.
several different VR systems exist, including cave automatic virtual envi-ronment (CAVE), head mounted displays (HMD) and desktop VR. CAVE is a projection-based VR system with display-screen faces surrounding the user (Cruz-Neira et al. 1992). As the user moves around within the bounds of the CAVE, the correct perspective and stereo projections of the VE are displayed on the screens. The user wears 3D glasses insidethe CAVE to see 3D structures created by the CAVE, thus allowing for a very lifelikeexperience. HMD usually consist of a pair of head mounted goggles with two LCD screens portraying the VE by obtaining the user ́s head orientation and position from a tracking system (Sousa Santos et al. 2008). HMD may present the same image to both eyes (monoscopic), or two separate images (stereoscopic) making depth perception possible. Like the CAVE, HMD offers a very realistic and lifelike experience by allowing the user to be completely surrounded by the VE. As opposed to CAVE and HMD, desktop VR does not allow the user to be surrounded by the VE. Instead desktop VR enables the user to interact with a VE displayed on a computer monitor using keyboard, mouse, joystick or touch screen (Lee and Wong 2014; Lee et al. 2010).
the use of simulations results in at least as good or better cognitive outcomes and attitudes
toward learning than do more traditional teaching methods (Bayraktar 2000; Rutten et al.
2012; Smetana and Bell 2012; Vogel et al. 2006). However, a recent report concludes that
there are still many questions that need to be answered regarding the value of simulations
in education (Natioan Research Council 2011). In the past, virtual learning simulations
were primarily accessed through desktop VR. With the increased use of immersive VR it is
now possible to obtain a much higher level of immersion in the virtual world, which
enhances many virtual experiences (Blascovich and Bailenson 2011).

an understanding of how to harness the emotional appeal of e-learning tools is a central issue for learning and instruction, since research shows that initial situ-ational interest can be a first step in promoting learning
several educational theories that describe the affective, emotional, and motivational factors that play a role in multimedia learning which are relevant for understanding the role of immersion in VR learning environments.

the cognitive-affective theory of learning with media (Moreno and
Mayer 2007),


the integrated cognitive affective model of learning with multimedia
(ICALM; Plass and Kaplan 2016)

control-value theory of achievement emotion CVTAE

Presence, intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, and control and active learning are the affective factors used in this study. defintions

The sample consisted of 104 students (39 females and 65 males; average age =23.8 years)
from a large European university.

immersive VR (Samsung Gear VR with Samsung Galaxy S6) and
the desktop VR version of a virtual laboratory simulation (on a standard computer). The
participants were randomly assigned to two groups: the first used the immersive VR
followed by the desktop VR version, and the second used the two platforms in the opposite

The VR learning simulation used in this experiment was developed by the company Labster and designed to facilitate learning within the field of biology at a university level. The VR simulation was based on a realistic murder case in which the participants were required to investigate a crime scene, collect blood samples and perform DNA analysis in a high-tech laboratory in order to identify and implicate the murderer

 we conclude that the emotional value of the immersive VR version of the learning simulation is significantly greater than the desktop VR version. This is a major empirical contribution of this study.


virtual reality course integration

Cook, M., & Lischer-Katz, Z. (2021). Practical steps for an effective virtual reality course integration. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 1–17.
compelling precedents for the use of VR in the classroom, including from disciplines like architecture (Angulo 2 M. COOK AND Z. LISCHER-KATZ 2013; Milovanovic et al. 2017; Kuliga et al. 2015), anthropology (Lischer- Katz, Cook, and Boulden 2018), and medicine (Jang et al. 2017; Bharathan et al. 2013; Trelease and Rosset 2008). Relatedly, several projects have also created immersive VR environments that replicate historical places, includ-
ing the Virtual Harlem Project at the University of Arizona (Johnson et al. 2002; Park et al. 2001); Rohwer Rising project by the Center for Advanced Spatial Technology at the University of Arkansas; the Virtual Blockson pro- ject at Temple University Libraries (Clark and Wermer-Colan 2018); and a virtual reality experience of the May Massee Collection at Emporia State University (Lund and Scribner 2019). These projects offer exciting examples
of how VR has new storytelling potential that can enhance the impact of teaching for educators and librarians in both technical and humanistic fields of study.

AI project for the classroom

Handon AI projects for the classroom

Elementary school level

Secondary teachers

Elective educators guides

Computer science educators guides

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative (AI4K12) is jointly sponsored by AAAI and CSTA.

Home page

ISTE Standards and Computational Thinking Competencies can help frame the inclusion and development of AI-related projects in K–12 classrooms. The ISTE Standards for Students identify the skills and knowledge that K–12 students need to thrive, grow, and contribute in a global, interconnected, and constantly changing society. The Computational Thinking Competencies for Educators identify the skills educators need to successfully prepare students to become innovators and problem-solvers in a digital world.


Mind maps tools

GitMind  more than one hundred templates

Forky is simple but effective a free mind mapping tool

Whimsical is a good tool for creating flowcharts, mind maps, Venn diagrams, and a variety of other charts and diagrams.

Transno is a service that lets you write notes and outlines that can then be turned into mind maps and flowcharts with just one click. is a mind mapping and flowchart tool

MindMup is a mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive, and on your desktop.

Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping service

Spider Scribe is an online mind map creation service.


more on mind maps in this IMS blog

XR (VR, AR, MR) Instructor


UCLA Extension seeks XR (augmented and virtual reality) professionals to teach in a new online certificate program housed within the UCLA Extension Center for Immersive Media. This recruitment is for online instructors for remote and asynchronous instruction, three hours per week, for ten-week quarters.

The center is focused on enterprise applications, workforce training in XR, narrative structures for XR storytelling, and (UX) User Experience in XR. This XR program is focused on training individuals to become XR content developers. The emphasis of this certificate is not on advanced coding or hardware development. Areas of recruitment include:

  1. XR Frameworks, an introduction to the XR business, user cases & goal/needs evaluation
  2. XR Tools I, an introduction to a modeling software such as Blender
  3. XR Tools II, prototyping tools with an emphasis on Unity
  4. XR Narratives, the use of non-linear narrative structures in XR development
  5. XR User Experience I, usability applications and studies bringing together previous class course work into VR and XR projects
  6. XR User Experience II, advanced XR experience studies and applications
  7. XR Product Pipeline & Project Management, Best practices including stages of production, critical paths, etc.
  8. XR Capstone Project, creation of final portfolio piece UCLA Extension is the open-access, self-supporting continuing education division of UCLA. The Department of the Arts offers a wide variety of certificate programs and courses, including post-baccalaureate credit-bearing (400-level), continuing education (CEU) credit, and non-credit bearing general interest courses. Course disciplines in the Visual Arts span subject areas such as Design Communication Arts, User Experience, Photography, Studio Arts and Art History. Our courses and certificate programs offer students the opportunity to learn from highly qualified practitioners who are passionate about teaching. Applications to teach are accepted throughout the year in order to fill immediate program needs and to increase the depth of the instructor pool, but interviews will only be scheduled with qualified applicants who can fill anticipated openings. XR Instructor Qualified applicants possessing current industry knowledge and experience in the following topic area(s) are encouraged to apply: AR, VR, MR, XR, User Experience Design, Gaming, Immersive Interface Design, XR Research, Software (Unity, Blender), XR Hardware. Classes are currently online only. Two formats are available: asynchronous, or live Zoom lectures. Each course is 11 weeks, enrollment limited to 20 students. Instructor Duties: • Develop or update course syllabus to meet campus approval requirements, in consultation with the UCLA Extension Program Director and Program Manager. • Use subject-matter expertise to impart knowledge to students and leverage additional resources appropriately to enhance the curriculum (i.e. make arrangements for guest speakers, etc.) • Design interactive and motivational classroom activities to fully engage participants and to reinforce student learning. • Update materials periodically, and regularly monitor course evaluations in order to make adjustments and improvements to the curriculum. • Respond to student questions and learning needs in a timely manner. • Communicate with Program Director and Program Staff in a timely manner. • Complete required administrative tasks in a timely manner including: completing all new hire paperwork, submitting updated quarterly syllabus, posting bio and photo on the UCLA Extension website, accepting quarterly contract, submitting required textbook orders, and communicating classroom needs to the appropriate people. • Participate in required orientations and instructor training programs. • Employ culturally competent teaching methodologies in the classroom inclusive of both domestic and international student populations. • Stay current regarding the professional body of knowledge in the field • Respond to student inquiries about final grades and consult with Program Director as needed. • Maintain a record of final grades for up to 13 months following the last class session. Qualifications: • Creation of XR products, with portfolio examples and specific role(s) in producing • 3-5 years industry experience • Commitment to the highest level of academic standards and integrity. • Current knowledge of and demonstrated proficiency in subject area. • Highly effective oral and written communication skills, including the ability to convey conceptual and complex ideas and information. • Outstanding interpersonal skills and high emotional intelligence. • Proficiency in or willingness to learn the use of instructional technology and online teaching tools. • College-level and/or continuing education teaching experience preferred. • Experience designing curriculum and measuring student performance preferred.

UCLA Extension is considered one of the top programs of its kind, offering to more than 35,000 students per year approximately 4,500 classes and non-degree certificate programs to meet the professional development, continuing education and personal enrichment needs of the full spectrum of nontraditional students as well as companies and organizations throughout and beyond the Los Angeles region.

Special Conditions of Employment
Instructors are hired on a quarterly contract basis.
Because Extension is a division of UCLA, all Extension degree-credit instructors and courses must be formally approved according to the regulations of the Academic Senate of the University of California. Eligibility to teach a course is contingent upon this formal academic approval. Once approved, teaching assignments are “by agreement.” The Instructor’s Contract outlines the deliverables for the course, the course schedule, and the compensation terms, subject to Extension policies and procedures. UCLA Extension makes no commitment to hire an instructor until it has sent and received a signed
Instructor Contract. Should the course section an instructor plans to teach be cancelled for any reason, the Instructor Contract, including rights to compensation for future section meetings, is voided.
In an effort to promote and maintain a healthy environment for our students, visitors and employees, UCLA is a smoke-free site. Smoking is prohibited within the boundaries of all UCLA owned, occupied, leased, and associated building and facilities. UCLA Extension is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values a diverse workforce.
To Apply:
Please follow the “apply now” link to submit the following:
Completed application form
Current CV
Link to portfolio or work samples if available
Cover letter”


Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

Creation of XR products, with portfolio examples and specific role(s) in producing
3-5 years industry experience
Commitment to the highest level of academic standards and integrity.
Current knowledge of and demonstrated proficiency in subject area.
Highly effective oral and written communication skills, including the ability to convey conceptual and complex ideas and information.
Outstanding interpersonal skills and high emotional intelligence.
Proficiency in or willingness to learn the use of instructional technology and online
teaching tools.
College-level and/or continuing education teaching experience preferred.
Experience designing curriculum and measuring student performance preferred.

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