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data driven education

The Downside of Data-Driven Education

A dozen years ago, Richard Rothstein wrote an excellent paper called “Holding Accountability to Account,” showing how incentives can perversely affect and undermine the goal that are sought (it is free on the internet).

In 1990k Andrea A. Gabor wrote a book about W. Edwards Deming called The Man Who Discovered Quality, in which she explained Deming’s contempt for merit pay and bonuses, which cause employees to think about themselves and not about the organization and its larger purposes.

Muller wrote a recent article about “metric fixation” in which he reviewed the flaws of data-driven work

“When reward is tied to measured performance, metric fixation invites just this sort of gaming. But metric fixation also leads to a variety of more subtle unintended negative consequences. These include goal displacement, which comes in many varieties: when performance is judged by a few measures, and the stakes are high (keeping one’s job, getting a pay rise or raising the stock price at the time that stock options are vested), people focus on satisfying those measures – often at the expense of other, more important organizational goals that are not measured. The best-known example is ‘teaching to the test’, a widespread phenomenon that has distorted primary and secondary education in the United States since the adoption of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.”

more on data driven education in this IMS blog

Students and Online

73 Percent of Students Prefer Some Courses Be Fully Online

Cengage‘s Digital Learning Pulse Survey, conducted by Bay View Analytics on behalf of the Online Learning ConsortiumWICHE Cooperative for Educational TechnologiesUniversity Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) and Canadian Digital Learning Research Association, polled 1,469 students and 1,286 faculty and administrators across 856 United States institutions

Sixty-eight percent of students were also in favor of some combination of in-person and online courses. On the faculty side, 57 percent said they would prefer teaching hybrid courses post-pandemic — slightly more than those who preferred teaching fully online.

both students and faculty agreed: Roughly two-thirds across the board said they would like to use more tech and digital course materials in the future.

Writing Plainly

New study says scholarly articles that are hard to read don’t actually make the author sound smarter, and they get cited less. Authors hope their findings will encourage graduate programs to teach students how to write clearly.

The study also offers academics a tutorial and a new bot-driven Clarity Calculator to help improve one’s writing.

“I believe that in public universities, which are funded with taxpayer dollars, the public should be informed in lay language about research and results that are relevant to the public.”

more on academic writing in this IMS blog

Facilitate Effective Group Work at Business Schools

free webinar: ‘How to facilitate effective group work at business schools’ on May 5 at 1PM ET.

This webinar will gather teachers and instructional designers from business schools in a panel discussion to share and exchange ideas on improving group dynamics and social loafing in team based education.

We’re happy to welcome Mustafa Elsawy, Learning Technologist from Georgia State University and Jeff Webb, Associate Professor from David Eccles School of Business as guest speakers for the discussion to share their insights on:

  • Why and how team based learning adds value to course design;
  • The challenges of implementing and facilitating group work in online, blended and hybrid classrooms;
  • How peer feedback and peer assessment can contribute to achieve learning outcomes;
  • How to empower faculty to scale peer feedback/assessment in future courses and prepare students for the labor market

You can learn more about the event on our website and register for free here.

more on online ed in this IMS blog


The context of 360-degree video in teacher education

Towards an understanding of pedagogic knowledge and practice

The project

The research project was framed as an interpretive case study undertaken with 23 Year 3 students on the BA primary education studies course; we adopted Stake’s (Stake , 1995) instrumental case study approach using examination of a particular context to facilitate wider understanding. The work was aligned with modules developing students’ English and maths pedagogical content knowledge across Key Stages 1 and 2. It comprised four stages:


VR in business school

Temple’s business school sees virtual reality as future of online learning

a finance professor at Temple University and academic director of its online MBA, has tested that belief since March 2020, when he launched the class Fintech, Blockchain and Digital Disruption in a virtual reality, or VR, program.

It took 18 months to research the technology and build the course at a cost upward of $100,000. The finished product was completed with the help of Glimpse Group, a New York-based virtual reality and augmented reality company.

“When I teach classes on Zoom, there’s a disconnect,” Ozkan said. “When we asked students last year to compare their VR experience to Zoom, almost all of them said [VR] is better or much better. Which is why we decided to offer it again this year.”

When the 18 students enrolled in the seven-week accelerated course this semester put on their VR headsets, they entered one of two lecture halls modeled after actual rooms on the Temple campus. Students customize their avatars before the semester.

more on immersive in this IMS blog

Quality online education for higher ed

Online coursework must not be considered an inferior or cheaper option. Getting online right requires a significant investment in course development guided by professional course designers who focus on achieving and assessing learning outcomes. Best practices show that developing a quality online course takes about 10 weeks to build with the faculty member working closely alongside an instructional/course designer, and research has shown that in-person instruction improves after working with instructional designers.

An online lecture requires more lecture preparation, continuous monitoring of student progress, increased use of assessment tools, extensive electronic interaction with the students and online office hoursAdditional instructor and teaching assistant support is also needed, as well as technical support.

more on online education in this ISM blog

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