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library cuts

Million-dollar library budget cut hinders resource access, burdens librarians

The Middlebury College Libraries had its non-personnel budget cut by nearly a third for the 2021 fiscal year, resulting in reduced or delayed access to databases, journals and books, as well as an increasing reliance on interlibrary loan (ILL).

Other services were transitioned to a token system. In contrast to the previous unlimited access model, the college now pays for a finite supply of tokens that are used to purchase access to sources individually.

more on libraries in this IMS blog

Facebook AR

Facebook Lab Reveals Direction Of AR Smartglasses

FRL presented their concept of the “intelligent click,” a series of gestures, some large, some nearly unconscious nerve impulses, detected by a wrist band. This would communicate intent to the operating AI which would know, and anticipate, what the user needs to know, before the user knows they need it.

its goal is a “human centered interface,” which will use preferences and surroundings to infer intent, creating an “ultra low friction” computing experience.
more on AR in this IMS blog

Tilt Brush

Excellent work in getting a #WebXR build of Tilt Brush exported from Unity by @msub2official.
Lots of ripping out of SteamVR in order to get it to compile & you can see there some controller bugs from the port, but great progress.
More details over on @webaverse‘s #webxr Discord.

— Kent Bye VoicesOfVR (@kentbye) January 28, 2021

Tilt Brush becomes open source. Google’s solution to Tilt Brush’s problems is to give away the source code on GitHub and torch its free 3D asset store Poly, the only asset store compatible with Tilt Brush’s animated brushes.

more on Tilt Brush in this IMS blog

truth decay

2011 Ted Talk by Eli Pariser called Beware of Online Filter Bubbles


Besides the algorithms that contribute to this truth decay, there is something equally as powerful that contributes to it as well. That other contributor is our confirmation bias.

“At its core, Media Literacy (ML) is made up of several specific competencies, such as the abilities to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate media messages in a variety of forms. Experts and organizations typically define media literacy using this or similar collections of competencies, which in the past two decades have evolved to focus more on the active construction of media and participation in the information ecosystem.”

Huguet, A.; Kavanagh, J.; Baker, G.; Blumenthal, M. (2018). Exploring Media Literacy Education as a Tool for Mitigating Truth Decay. Rand Corporation.

more on fake news in this IMS blog

Google Poly

more on GOogle Poly in this IMS blog

machine learning model

more on machine learning in this IMS blog

CIA analysis guide fake news

more on fake news in this IMS blog

online tools for education





Google Slides,




musical electronic timer

more on online tools in this ISM blog

Monday XR chat

6:30 Central Time in ASVR

more on XR in edu in this IMS blog

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