Searching for "online teaching"

social media teaching and learning

Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media by Jon Dron and Terry Anderson Published by Athabasca University, Canada, ISBN: 978-1-927356-81-4 (PDF), September 2014, Pages: 370

(book review)

Dr. Jon Dron and Professor Terry Anderson of Athabasca University, Canada attempt to introduce a new model for understanding and exploiting the pedagogical potential of Web-based technologies. Recognizing the E-learning/ online education as new model of teaching and learning, the authors show how learners can engage with social media platforms to create an unbounded field of emergent connections.

In chapter 9 ‘Issues and Challenges in Educational Uses of Social Software’ , the writers accordingly examine the dark side of social software—the ways in which it can undermine or even jeopardize, rather than deepen and extend, the experience of learning. They present a series of over-arching issues that warrant consideration by anyone who plans to use social software for learning. These include issues surrounding privacy, disclosure, and trust, cross-cultural dissonances, problems posed by the complexities of technology and by the digital divide, unpredictable systemic effects, and risks such as mob stupidity and filter bubbles.

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Discord for teaching purposes

A discussion thread in the Higher Ed Learning Collective:

“Has anyone ever used Discord to communicate with their students and to deliver short lectures or have office hours? We don’t use Zoom and MS Teams only covers one section. I have four sections of the same course. I found one article in favor of it, but figured I’d check with the general community.”

more on Discord in this IMS blog

NSF AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (ALOE)

NSF investing $20 million in Georgia-led effort to transform online education for adults

Project centers on artificial intelligence; new National Institute in AI to be headquartered at Georgia Tech

“The goal of ALOE is to develop new artificial intelligence theories and techniques to make online education for adults at least as effective as in-person education in STEM fields,” says Co-PI Ashok Goel, Professor of Computer Science and Human-Centered Computing and the Chief Scientist with the Center for 21stCentury Universities at Georgia Tech

Research and development at ALOE aims to blend online educational resources and courses to make education more widely available, as well as use virtual assistants to make it more affordable and achievable. According to Goel, ALOE will make fundamental advances in personalization at scale, machine teaching, mutual theory of mind and responsible AI.

The ALOE Institute represents a powerful consortium of several universities (Arizona State, Drexel, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Harvard, UNC-Greensboro); technical colleges in TCSG; major industrial partners (Boeing, IBM and Wiley); and non-profit organizations (GRA and IMS).

more on AI in this IMS blog


Students and Online

73 Percent of Students Prefer Some Courses Be Fully Online

Cengage‘s Digital Learning Pulse Survey, conducted by Bay View Analytics on behalf of the Online Learning ConsortiumWICHE Cooperative for Educational TechnologiesUniversity Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) and Canadian Digital Learning Research Association, polled 1,469 students and 1,286 faculty and administrators across 856 United States institutions

Sixty-eight percent of students were also in favor of some combination of in-person and online courses. On the faculty side, 57 percent said they would prefer teaching hybrid courses post-pandemic — slightly more than those who preferred teaching fully online.

both students and faculty agreed: Roughly two-thirds across the board said they would like to use more tech and digital course materials in the future.

Dos & Don’ts Teaching With Technology

7 Dos & Don’ts for Post-Pandemic Teaching With Technology

Here’s what students hope you’ll keep doing in the fall — and what they hope you’ll drop.

February panel of students sharing their views on pandemic teaching….

  • DON’T lecture with slides for an entire Zoom class.
  • DO offer more active-learning and discussion exercises in class. 
  • DON’T require students to use a tech tool that you don’t understand. 
  • DO keep using anonymous polling.
  • DO get students up and about.
  • DO provide more asynchronous materials and activities.
  • DO emphasize interaction with and between students.

more on online learning in this IMS blog

Quality online education for higher ed

Online coursework must not be considered an inferior or cheaper option. Getting online right requires a significant investment in course development guided by professional course designers who focus on achieving and assessing learning outcomes. Best practices show that developing a quality online course takes about 10 weeks to build with the faculty member working closely alongside an instructional/course designer, and research has shown that in-person instruction improves after working with instructional designers.

An online lecture requires more lecture preparation, continuous monitoring of student progress, increased use of assessment tools, extensive electronic interaction with the students and online office hoursAdditional instructor and teaching assistant support is also needed, as well as technical support.

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Online HE about learning

Why online HE should be about learning, not teaching

The gate is now wide open

Teachers used to be the gatekeepers to information, to knowledge. The successive inventions of writing and reading, print, the library, and then the World Wide Web, mean that we teachers are no longer the gatekeepers.

Schools, universities and teachers to some extent remain the gatekeepers to knowledge, the definers of what comprises valid knowledge. We do this, of course, through holding the ultimate educational power – the power to assess.

But it is not clear how long we teachers will, or should, hold this power. Increasingly, students, and employers, nations, cultures, many groups in our societies, rightly want a say in defining what is valid knowledge, a valid curriculum.

Knowledge isn’t enough

Each year, vast amounts of new knowledge are produced. Also, each year, vast amounts of current knowledge become wrong, or redundant, or both. Knowledge dies. In some subjects, a significant proportion of what was taught in the first year will have died by the time the students who learned it graduate. So, what is education for?

Machines are doing more and more of the work

The bad news is, we are getting squeezed out of work. The good news is, we are getting squeezed up, into ever more interesting work. We will be able to stay ahead for a long time; because there are always still more difficult and important and exciting things for us to do, increasingly with the support of our increasingly capable machines.

Employers want graduates to be job-ready. They also want graduates to be fluent in the five Cs: Creativity, Communication, Collaboration and Criticality as well as Competence. Not all university education currently develops the first four Cs. Very little university education currently gives high priority to their development. Rarely are they formally assessed.

Changing outcomes, changing pedagogies

The architecture of a university expresses its views about pedagogy. This remains true with the great leap online. The old pedagogic architecture – of teaching as (mainly) telling, of learning as (mainly) listening and reading, of access in and through the library to specified stored knowledge, and of assessment as (mainly) recalling, repeating back what has been learned, perhaps with some application or interpretation – has for the most part been recreated in digital form, with varying degrees of success

more on online education in this IMS blog

OER for teaching

My note: a genuine reflection of faculty’s opinion; beyond the promotion…

I have been given an opportunity to use OERs for a new position. (Still adjunct.) Before i spend more time down this rabbit hole, what are the pros and cons?

more on OER in this IMS blog

online tools for education





Google Slides,




musical electronic timer

more on online tools in this ISM blog

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