Am I technologically illiterate?

I think in today’s society most people would like to consider themselves literate when it comes to technology. Many have smartphones, tablets, laptops and other ways of connecting to the outside world right from their fingertips. How would you really define whether or not you are technologically literate? I guess that could be open to interpretation. I like to think that I know my way around a smartphone or tablet, but there are so many things that my smartphone does that I have no idea about. I know how to download apps and use them once they are downloaded, but if I ever have an issue with one I don’t know how to troubleshoot it, or even begin to try and figure out why. I have a Facebook page, and a Twitter account that I use regularly and actually enjoy. I have an Instagram account, but I couldn’t even tell you the last time I’ve logged on to it. I also have a Linkedin account, but again have no recent time frame of when I have last used it. My main reasons for even having a smartphone are because I can use Facebook, Twitter and Google on the regular and quickly. Not too long ago I got kicked out of Facebook and had to re-log in but couldn’t remember my password, and it took me a while to get logged back in. I have a 4 year old son who knows how to access kids YouTube from my wife’s Ipad and I barely know how to navigate to the next screen on it. Personally, I feel like I know just enough about how to use these things to keep me interested, but not enough to really do anything with it. Often times I have to ask my wife for assistance when trying to upload photos or use a certain feature on Facebook or Snapchat.

Is there a way to be both literate and illiterate at the same time? I feel like this would be me if there is. I can use these items, but don’t use them to their full value. The funny thing is, usually when it’s time to get a new cell phone, I always want to splurge for the newest and hottest one but should I be? It doesn’t seem like I’m really using a smartphone in the ways that it was designed to be used. I also have a smart TV that I really have no idea how to use. I can turn it on, connect to the cable and search through some of the apps, but again have no idea what else it is capable of. That being said, I believe the answer to my question would be that I am technologically illiterate. Do you agree?

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