How do we imagine a better world?

Often times when gender equality is discussed in the work place it is mostly assumed that women being paid less for the same job is what is being discussed. I have found that often men get in to jobs or positions that are mostly held by women. For instance, when a male is working as a hair dresser or fashion designer it is still considered unusual, and assumed that they must be homosexual. In some cases that is true, but I don’t necessarily think it is true in all cases. I also feel like there are a lot of negative stereotypes around males being nurses. I have a lot of friends that are nurses and have had a lot of males in their classes, or have worked with them in some sort of capacity. My current job is working in a bank and most of the positions within my branch are held by women. My branch is run by a female as are the other branches in our region. Most of our bank tellers are women as well as our personal bankers. I think in order to imagine a better world we need to start by getting rid of the negative stereotypes that surround males working in female dominated professions. I think we are typically fighting against traditionalist mindsets that think only women should be hair stylists or fashion designers, or only females should be personal bankers. In the long run, I think we all need to work together to help eliminate this in both directions. Often times there are females working in jobs where males believe they shouldn’t be, such as you may see in sports journalism. It definitely goes both ways.

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