How do we imagine the process of change?

I’ve talked previously about gender equality in the work place and stereotypes attached to certain jobs and careers. In previous posts I mentioned that there are beliefs that certain jobs should be maintained by women, more specifically hair stylists and fashion designers. How can we change those stereotypes, or mindsets? In the day and age of social media I think we can use that to our advantage. We could start by using our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms to talk about the importance of these jobs and how someone could get involved in it. Facebook groups or Twitter feeds could really open up some eyes. Also, I believe it would help a lot to reach out to some of the specialized colleges and universities that offer these types of programs and review their course catalogs. I can almost guarantee that their course catalogs show women in any pictures or advertisement or men that look a specific way. I think if the images were changed and not only showed women that it could potentially get more interest from men of all different backgrounds. I think it would it would help eliminate any negative stereotypes or stigmas about other males that may already be in those programs. I think if we were able to learn of enrollment numbers for males in those types of programs it could help us gauge what kind of impact this could make. Naturally if enrollment numbers go up in these areas it could lead to a more diverse work force and we would see more males and females working similar type jobs.

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