Cutting the cord

For the first time since I was a little kid, my family and I have cut the cord. It was a tough decision as both my wife and I have shows and channels that we like to watch. We also have a toddler who has movies and channels that he insists on watching. What it really boiled down to was money and time. Our cable bill was astronomical in price and seemed to continue going up. It just started adding up to where it didn’t make any more sense. It felt like if there was ever a time to do it, now was it with all the streaming services and opportunities to watch TV and movies right from our smartphones and tablets. It recently has felt kind of strange not being able to just turn the TV on and start watching something but it’s starting to become more natural. I’ve had several conversations with others who cut the cord a long time ago and most have said they don’t miss it. For me, it seems like weird timing since I’m a big sports fan and this is a big time for sports with the NHL stanley cup, Major League Baseball playoffs about to start and football starting up, but I have other ways I can watch it. My wife and I had talked about doing this for quite a while but finally decided to make the call and get it done. I can’t wait to start having that extra money in our bank account. Have any of you cut the cord? How have you managed?

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