Movie: Every Time We Say Goodbye

  Thursday October 3rd, 7 pm, Miller Center Library: Ringsmuth Auditorium

Every Time We Say Goodbye (1986) Poster


Starring Tom Hanks. An American soldier falls in love with a beautiful Ladino-speaking girl in British occupied Jerusalem during World War Two.

A discussion session will follow the film.

For more information about the film, click here.

For more information about the Ladino-speaking community, click here.

Lecture: “Sephardic Jews: Identity Formation Among Pied-Noirs and Natives”

Wednesday October 2nd, 3:30-4:30 pm

   Ringsmuth Auditorium

Dr. Sandrine Zerbib is a French sociologist, born in Paris where her parents met after living Algeria as French expatriates.  Dr. Zerbib holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology from the University of California Irvine and a Masters in Sociology from both California State University-Fullerton and University of Paris 10-Nanterre (France).  Dr. Zerbib’s ongoing research focuses on issues of immigration, sexuality and citizenship. Dr. Zerbib’s current research analyzes the effect of domestic partnership and marriage laws on gay bi-national couples living in France.  She is currently collaborating with Dr. Finan on research with immigrant women farmers and gardeners. She teaches courses in Research Methods, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Women and Work, Immigration and Citizenship, and Advanced Research Methods.

Lecture: “Sephardim and the Holocaust”

Thursday September 26, 7 pm, Ringsmuth Auditorium

Alejandro Baer is a Sociology Professor and Director for the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota.  He conducts research on the representation of present and past mass violence in a global arena of interconnected memory cultures, particularly in the cases of Spain, Argentina, and the Holocaust. He has lived in Germany, Spain, and California.

For Dr. Baer’s website and CV, click here.

Transfer of Memory Exhibit

Transfer of MemorySCSU’s Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education invites you to view TRANSFER OF MEMORY, “a touring exhibition of portraits and accompanying stories of Minnesota Holocaust survivors.  As a collection, these photographs focus on life.  From Europe to Minnesota, these survivors came here with hope for a better future.”

The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education is hosting TRANSFER OF MEMORY as part of its mission to “recognize the victims of the Holocaust and genocide and give voice to survivors…so as to educate future generations.”

The Transfer of Memory exhibit will be displayed in the 2nd floor reading court of the Miller Center Library until September 27th.

To view the Minnesota Holocaust survivor photos, and read their stories, click here.

Personal Narrative: Victor Vital, “Hiding in the Mountains”

    Tuesday September 17, 1 pm, Ringsmuth Auditorium

     Victor Vital was born on February 6, 1932 in Patra, Greece. Victor and his extended    family of eight survived due to the help of righteous gentiles. He was eleven years old when he and his family were forced to leave their home and hide from the Nazis.

“I am alive today because of the people who protected us,” he says. “I feel obligated to let people know.”

Today Victor lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is regularly invited to schools, synagogues, and other organizations to speak about his life experience.

Sephardim: Jews of Spain: 1492 and Beyond Welcome Center Event

Sephardim, The Jews of Spain: 1492 and Beyond

Who are the Sephardim?

Join us for the kick-off of our event series to find out.

Exhibits, films, and refreshments will be served.

Mon Sept 16: SCSU Welcome Center: 5 pm – 7 pm — All are welcome!

For the complete list of events, see our brochure.



Film and Discussion: “In the Shadow of the Acropolis”

Discover the untold story of the Holocaust in Greece through the documentary “In the Shadow of the Acropolis” on Tuesday September 10th at 1 pm in the Miller Center Library Ringsmuth Auditorium. Documentary producer and Director of Tolerance Minnesota, Laura Zelle, along with hidden child Holocaust survivor Mary Ackos Calof, will be our special guests.

For a preview of this documentary, click here.

Greek Jewish family photo, early 20th century. Photo provided by Laura Zelle.