Lecture: “Sephardic Jews: Identity Formation Among Pied-Noirs and Natives”

Wednesday October 2nd, 3:30-4:30 pm

   Ringsmuth Auditorium

Dr. Sandrine Zerbib is a French sociologist, born in Paris where her parents met after living Algeria as French expatriates.  Dr. Zerbib holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology from the University of California Irvine and a Masters in Sociology from both California State University-Fullerton and University of Paris 10-Nanterre (France).  Dr. Zerbib’s ongoing research focuses on issues of immigration, sexuality and citizenship. Dr. Zerbib’s current research analyzes the effect of domestic partnership and marriage laws on gay bi-national couples living in France.  She is currently collaborating with Dr. Finan on research with immigrant women farmers and gardeners. She teaches courses in Research Methods, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Women and Work, Immigration and Citizenship, and Advanced Research Methods.

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