Wednesday October 30, 7 pm, Ringsmuth Auditorium
Elizabeth Valencia-Borgert, adjunct professor of Languages & Cultures at SCSU, will present her personal story of how she discovered her Sephardic roots.
Elizabeth Valencia-Borgert is originally from Valencia, Venezuela. Her family story is originally based on what she heard from the abuelos while growing up in Venezuela. One of her brothers did more recent research, engaged in a search for the story of their family’s Sephardic ancestry. It is the family’s wish to record oral histories as well as examine the historical roots of their Jewish ancestors.
Elizabeth is Spanish faculty in the Languages and Cultures Department at St. Cloud State University, and has been a St. Cloud resident for over 20 years. She is an active member of the local Latino community, and part of one of the taskforces for the St. Cloud Community Priorities Initiatives.