Final Project topic: Economy and Environment in a Global World

Economy and Environment in a Global World Post from a Facebook User regarding Tuesday, Jan 23, 2018 news about Trump’s tariffs on solar panels and washers: So, what are the issues here? tariff on solar panels (economy? environment?) washing machines (economy?) why is the tariff on solar panels imported from China such a complex…

Facebook Analytics

How to Use Facebook Analytics for Your Website Kristi Hines January 23, 2018 #1: Create a Facebook Pixel for Your Website If you haven’t already installed the Facebook pixel on your website for Facebook advertising, you need to do so to get Facebook Analytics for your website. To install the pixel, go to your Ads Manager or Business Manager, click the advertising…

social media and newsmedia

++++++++++++++++++++ Holding the powerful accountable, using data Insights on the state of investigative journalism in Brazil, Serbia and the USA Marianne Bouchart a group discussion on Slack last week and gathered Amita Kelly of NPR(USA), Jelena Vasić of KRIK (Serbia) and Tiago Mali of ABRAJI (Brazil) to discuss the challenges of holding the powerful accountable using data. Who is KRIK? STEVAN DOJCINOVIC is with KRIK +++++++++++++++++ Hey, Mark…

Final Project topic: global warming

The climate around the globe this last week provide provides plenty of material to consider this topic: Europe: The US:  China: Whether you are believe in or you are against #GlobalWarming, you will have plenty of material to explore this topic in conjunction with #SocialMedia. How does social media help / obstruct shaping the debate?…

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