Twitter engagement

Twitter Engagement: How to Connect With People on Twitter

 February 23, 2018

The Twitter Algorithm

When Twitter began using an algorithm to determine what users see, the algorithm didn’t make drastic changes. That’s because Twitter classifies itself as a news site, not a social media platform, and wanted users to continue seeing timely tweets. Even with the algorithm, Twitter is still the best place to find out what’s happening right now. Facebook is more about what’s happening this week, and Facebook’s algorithm shows you more posts that are older.

What Causes a Tweet to Be Seen?

for social media marketing into six main areas. The first three are pretty easy to understand, and the last three are a bit more complicated.

Time: Twitter sees itself as a live platform so the algorithm weighs time heavily. You need to post regularly, especially when your audience is online. To find out when your audience uses Twitter, try tools like ManageFlitter or Tweriod (a free tool).

User interests: Twitter Analytics gives you a breakdown of your followers’ interests so you can see if they’re the right type of people. Twitter Analytics also suggests topics that will get engagement.

Credibility: Twitter’s algorithm favors accounts that are deemed more credible.

Engagement: As with all social networks, Twitter wants to keep you on the platform as much as possible. The longer you’re on it, the more time Twitter has to show you ads.

Past engagement: You see more of the tweets from people you’ve engaged with in the past, so be proactive. Don’t wait for people to reply. Start conversations. When others start engaging back, they’ll see more of your future tweets.

Media type: Twitter shows you more of the type of media you’ve engaged with previously. So if you love GIFs, it’ll show you more GIFs. If you love periscopes, you’ll see more Periscope posts.

280 characters: When you use the whole 280-character limit, you can add more value to your tweets. In languages like Japanese, people are able to say more with fewer characters and use Twitter a lot more effectively because they can have more valuable conversations.
Update your Meet EdgarSmarterQueue, or Hootsuite account and started to write longer tweets

Your Own GIFs

To create a GIF, go to, apply for a brand channel, and then upload a small video clip or a series of images. You can also use video from YouTube or Vimeo. Creating GIFs has a little bit of a learning curve, but after you know how to do it, it’s a 5-minute job.

Questions: Ask more questions with your tweets.

Ask questions, create content that others can respond to, and reply to them.

Emotion: When you automate Twitter (for instance, post links to your blog), the tweets can become bland. Adding a bit of emotion does three things. It grabs attention (because it’s different from everything else), holds attention longer (it typically comes with a narrative), and gives people a reason to feel something for you and get behind you. This feeling is extremely important for brand advocacy.

Here is the entire article:

Twitter Engagement: How to Connect With People on Twitter

listen to The Social Media Marketing podcast, Content Mavericks, content, specifically on Twitter and YouTube.  a podcast called The Andrew and Pete Show.

Wonderlens is an amazing iOS app for creating augmented reality (AR) videos and still images.




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