DuckDuckGo privacy free service

Privacy is not about whether or not you have something to hide.
Privacy is about having control over what you want to share and what you want to keep to yourself.

To yourself. That is the definition of private. Private is not between me and Google, or between me and Facebook, it is for my eyes alone and we need to reclaim that definition.

There is a reason why privacy is a human right, a fundamental human right.

A human right that’s enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights in article 12, because without privacy we do not have civil liberties. Civil liberties are built on a bedrock of privacy. If we make public the default, then anything that we want to keep private by definition has an association with guild attached.


Biometric Data And The Rise Of Digital Dictatorship

February 28, 201811:42 AM ET

On Jan. 24, historian and international best-selling author Yuval Noah Hararipresented his view of the future at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Harari wrote Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind and also Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow.

In a riveting 25-minute presentation, Harari painted a very gloomy — but possible — view of the future, based on his thesis that we are now in our third grand revolution: the control of data, following the control of land (Agrarian Revolution) and the control of machinery (Industrial Revolution). The point of no return, Harari contends, will happen when technology will be able to extract high-precision biometric data from people and report back to a centralized decision-making control system, owned by governments or by corporations — or both.

Who is going to have control over this data?
How is this wealth going to be regulated?
We have laws that regulate land and machines.
What are the laws that regulate data and the privacy of individuals?
Are people willingly going to give away their privacy, their biometric info, to a centralized data processing unit?


A Year of DuckDuckGo – a review

I’ve been using DuckDuckGo as my default search engine instead of Google for about 12 months. This is why I could never go back.

  1. Privacy
  2. Quality of Search
  3. Design
  4. Customisation
  5. Instant Search
  6. !bangs


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