data misuse

This Is So Much Bigger Than Facebook Data misuse is a feature, not a bug—and it’s plaguing our entire culture. ETHAN ZUCKERMAN  MAR 23, 2018 In the 17-months-long conversation Americans have been having about social media’s effects on democracy, two distinct sets of problems have emerged. The ones getting the most attention are bad-actor…

social media blocked by government

Sri Lanka blocks social media as deadly violence continues Reports of attack on Buddhist temple sparks anti-Muslim riots in Kandy district Facebook and other social media services were blocked or restricted across Sri Lanka on Wednesday afternoon to prevent the spread of anti-Muslim posts the government said were helping to fuel the violence, which…

Russia eternal president

How Russia’s Eternal President Has Changed His Country Russians will be going to the polls on March 18, but it is already clear who will emerge victorious. Vladimir Putin has been at the helm for almost 20 years — both dramatically changing his country and subjugating it at the same time. Vladimir Putin has…

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