Quality of writing your D2L discussions

Folks, here some tips to improve your writing (and grade), considering the #D2LDiscussionRubric shared with you in the beginning of this class: https://stcloudstate.ims.mnscu.edu/d2l/le/content/3562076/viewContent/29029371/View also available here: http://web.stcloudstate.edu/pmiltenoff/lib290/D2LdiscussionRrubric.docx Until this point, we focused on the format. Now, that we all are comfortable with the assignments (and how to do them), we need to focus on the…

news and social media

2016 confirmed that news and social media go hand in hand. Here is an upcoming conference, dealing with issues, which are very close to content of this class; you can use to generate brainstorming for your final project’s topic: http://blog.stcloudstate.edu/ims/2017/01/18/collecting-preserving-and-transforming-the-news/ as a bonus, I threw in my slideshow from the National Library of Iceland.

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