week 5 directions

Week 5 Welcome to our fifth week of class. Before we move toward the readings, discussions, and assignments for week 5, let’s overview quickly our week 4 activities. Some of you were falling dangerously behind in the required class and home assignments. I contact each of you and offered assistance. This however, applies to the…

live session

Bring your questions/issues/work on assignments at https://webmeeting.minnstate.edu/lib290 on Feb 6 and 7 at 10AM If day/time not convenient, pls let me know about your availability or best, use this : https://doodle.com/digitalliteracy to choose a mutually agreeable day/time. You can also use the SCSU Outlook calendar to schedule a meeting with me

The Wall

I thought, this might spur the history buff in you: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/history-comes-full-circle-before-and-after-photos-of-the-berlin-wall-a-1191495.html #TheWall (not the Pink Floyd LP :)) #ColdWar #BerlinWall, Can you make a connection between the Wall and any current #GlobalIssues? Did you try the hashtags above in #SocialMedia? Any interesting returns?

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