Reading Reflection #8: Evidence Part 2

  • Briefly describe the scientific method (you may have to Google it). What are the main characteristics of the scientific method, as mentioned in this chapter, that contribute to the reliability and dependability of research data and results?
    • From google, the scientific method includes 7 steps: 1. Question 2. Research 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Observe/observations 6. Results/Conclusions 7. Communicate results
    • From that, the scientific method involves seeking knowledge by testing a hypothesis and making obersavtions based on those predictions which is what us, as students, must do to ensure the research data we are looking at is reliable.
  • What are some ways that surveys or questionnaires can be unreliable? What are some things to look for to verify the reliability of survey information?
    • Surveys may be unreliable because people can choose how to answer them and some questions can be more biased. Ask questions, look at background information on the author and find the bias first.
  • What are some pros and cons of research studies? Explain how some research findings can be problematic.
    • Pros: dependable, science & fact based, ignore bias. Forms publicly verifiable data, uses control and precision in language
    • Cons: costs money, time, and resources. Finding may contradict each other, research varies in quality, facts change over time
  • What are three questions you can use to evaluate research studies? Where (in an article) should you look to find answers to these questions?
    • 1. What is the quality of the source of report? 2. How recently was the research conducted? 3. Have the findings been replicated by other studies?
    • The quality can be found by a quick skim of the information and the date published should be posted near the top or bottom of the article. As for finding replicated articles, google the topic and skim similar articles.
    • Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed research article to use for Short Formal Assignment 4: Scholarly Article Analysis. Skim through the article to prepare for Assignment 4. Write (or copy and paste) the APA citation for the article here.
      • Juschka, D. M. (Ed.). (2006). Feminism in the Study of Religion (1st ed). London: Continuum.

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