Keep in mind that quizzes are very versatile–many types of student response can be collected, including short essays, multiple choice questions, and more. You are welcome to make an appointment with SCSU Online to choose and create quizzes to meet your needs. We would be delighted to help!
Screenshot Instructions
1. From the Assessments tab, go to Quizzes. Click New Quiz.
Note: When creating a quiz, in the Restrictions tab, you can make a quiz visible or hidden, set a due date and adjust availability.
2. Enter a name for your quiz.
3. Next, click on Add/Edit Questions.
4. Click New. Select the type of question from the drop-down menu.
5. Enter your question. Put in the correct answer. Add the points for the question.
6. Click on Save and New to move on to next questions.
7. Once you’re done, go to Done editing questions.
8. In the Properties tab, enter questions per page value and other properties.
9. In the Description field, add a description for the quiz.
10. In the Introduction field, create a message that will display to students at the start of the quiz.
11. Enter an email address in the Notification Email field to receive email notifications.
12. Click Save and Close to add it to the Course.