Beautiful architecture is believed to be a connector to the past and the present. We often look at these buildings with little respect to the design, hard work and materials put into it. These pieces of art are often torn down and replaced with buildings that lack character and are a copy paste of the neighboring building.
Why is that?
Early modern architects believe that 19th century buildings are too ornate and felt we needed to be liberated from these time-consuming designs. Adolf Loos, a leading modern architect, argued that “to decorate a building with anything pretty was a sin against the profession of an architect.” Is that so? Or do modern architects lack the skills of the past and patience to create a work of art. Beauty in our environment grounds us to it and allows a sense of pride in our communities.
The goal of this blog is to resurrect the pride we once had in our surroundings and to help bring reasoning to why the historic buildings in our communities should be loved, taken care of and overall not destroyed!