Happy New Year! A reflection on Fall Semester 2022

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season and the winter weather that Minnesota brought with it! For me the new “school” year starts in August and the new “calendar” year is the time to recharge my batteries with family before jumping back into spring semester!

First to reflect on a couple great holiday events I was able to attend with students in December! We appreciate the industry organizations that provide scholarship to our students and recognize them at their annual events. Three of those happened in December. Congratulations to Charlotte Faue – IREM Scholarship Recipient; Tanner Eischens and Joseph Bianchini – SIOR Scholarship recipients, and Daijah Moore – CoreNet scholarship recipient! What fun to celebrate you!

We were also able to award many scholarships at our Annual Mentor Banquet at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud in November.  A big thank you to all those that participated as mentors, table sponsors and scholarship donors!

Table Sponsors:

ACR, Inc., Carl Awalt, Chau Appraisals, Inc., Cross Country Mortgage, Gonyea Commercial Properties, Mike Moran, Patchin Messner Valuation, RE/MAX Advantage Plus, Robert Lindahl Realty, Ryan Companies, Valbridge Property Advisors

Scholarship Donors

Society of Industrial and Office Realtors, Neil Kennedy Memorial, Richard Chalstrom/Raymond Anderson, Real Estate Alumni Association, MN Chair in Real Estate, Stephanie Meyer, The RMR Group, LLC, Robert Lindahl Realty, Real Estate Endowed Scholarship


A final note of reflection: I was able to participate in Real Estate Program Leadership Conference put on by the American Real Estate Society (ARES) in November. It was their inaugural event held at the University of San Diego and it was great to connect with so many others running real estate programs around the country. The opportunity to share ideas and resources and I look forward to launching a few new ideas in 2023!

Happy New Year to all of you!

2022 Career Day was a Sucess!

Career Day was on Wedensday, September 21 this year and there was good representation from Real Estate Employers. The students enjoyed getting out and talking to employers! Thanks to those alumni and partners that joined us!



Building Owners and Managers Association was staffed by Laura Anderson with BOMA,  and two SCSU Alum – Paige Morton with Kraus Anderson and Ryan Connolly with Newmark


The Appraisal Institute table was staffed by two SCSU alum – Tim Klein with Diversified Real Estate Service and Andy Totzke with Patchin Messner Valuation Consutants


Ryan Companies

The Ryan Companies table was staffed by two alum – Krista Kay and Heather Way (photo bombed by Kelly Jameson)


The Gate City Bank booth was staffed by mortgage and bank management – Brady Jameson and Ryan Coye

Thanks to all the students who stopped by to greet these great employers!

Spring News at SCSU

We just returned from Spring Break at St. Cloud State University and that signals only a little over a month left of school before summer.  Things are going well, and campus is a bit more of a buzz, but there is still a lot of students that prefer a “Hybrid” model to their classes and take some course work online. Amazingly I have 43 students in appraisal class this spring!! I know Dr. Mooney would be amazed. Anyone want to help grade papers late April??  Seventeen seats were reserved for Chinese International students (finance majors) studying at SCSU as part of the Binhai 2+2 program where they take their final two years of schooling here at SCSU. The Chinese students are very interested in real estate and values as some interesting things are happening with development companies in China. The other 26 students are Real Estate and Finance majors interested in Appraisal and/or getting their real estate license.

We have lot of student athletes in the real estate program right now and it was fun to see their seasons turn out so nicely. Because of Covid, many athletes were able to pick up another year of NCAA eligibility and added course work (like real estate major/minor) to keep playing their sport.  Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball and Wrestling all represented in the real estate major this year!  Learn more about how their seasons went here: SCSU Huskies (Sports Info)

We have a great team lined up for the NAIOP University Challenge this year and looking at an Office Development in Shoreview.  The competition is back in person this year on April 21. Hope to see some of you there!  Find out more and register to attend here: 2022 NAIOP University Challenge

Our SCSU Real Estate Market Update that was canceled due to Covid in the fall has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 17. More details to come but we are planning an afternoon program followed by a SCSU REAA happy hour.

Finally – can you believe we have been collecting wage survey data for 25 years?  Because of the anniversary I’m asking a few additional questions this year and presenting results at a National Real Estate Conference in April. I’m happy to do presentations for any groups that might be interested. Last year I shared with MAAO (Minnesota Association of Assessors) and because I collect on survey monkey, I can add filters by industry segment or another relevant characteristic. If you are interested in a specialized report let me know!  If you are alumni of the SCSU Real Estate Program and didn’t get survey link by email let me know!

Wishing you a great spring!

Back to School!

It feels good to be back to campus and back to school. I have more students choosing online learning than in previous years but those that come to campus are engaged and happy to be there. We had a first Real Estate Association Meeting this year and there was some good energy around planning for the year!

Mark your calendars for October 6. Back to back events – Market Panel update in the morning and golf in the afternoon. Hope you can make one or BOTH events.  Details below:

Come support our alumni and learn more about what’s happening in the real estate industry. Join us on Wednesday, October 6 for a morning Real Estate Market Update featuring a panel of experts in the local market, including:

  • Keith Sturm ‘86, Principal, Upland Real Estate Group
    • Tony Kuechle ‘94, President of Development, Doran Companies
    • Travis Peltier ‘01, Senior VP and Regional Manager, Edina Realty
    • Bjorik Mutize ‘19, Broker/Associate Advisory and Transaction Services, CBRE
    • Donna Becker ‘89, Senior General Manager of Riverplace
    • Kara Olson ‘04, Principal, GTRE Commercial
    • Kelly Jameson ‘98, Real Estate Program Chair, St. Cloud State University

Real Estate Salesperson Continuing Education Credit has been applied for and 1.5 hours is pending approval from the Minnesota Department of Commerce.  Sign up for this FREE event using the link below. Space is limited.

Herberger Business School Real Estate Market Update (tassl.com)


Note this is the same day as the SCSU Real Estate Alumni Association Golf tournament so after earning your education credits in the morning you can head to Brookview Golf course for a fun filled afternoon.  You can register for the golf tournament here.




Lunch with Dr. Mooney

I had the opportunity to meet my mentor and friend, Dr. Steve Mooney for lunch recently. In typical Mooney fashion he picked a sandwich shop that has been around for years, Bo Diddley’s, and of course he is such a regular he doesn’t even have to order, they know his sandwich preference. I thought it would be fun this month to share some of Dr. Mooney’s wisdom and hear what he has been up to since retiring a couple years ago. Of course, many of you reading this know Dr. Mooney well and all he has done for the real estate program. I had the pleasure of being his student during my time at SCSU 1994-1998 and he scared me… I didn’t think he liked me that much (I only fell asleep in his appraisal class once) J I really came to appreciate all that he had done after I graduated, and he helped pave a course for me to return to SCSU as a professor.

Dr. Mooney, can you share when you came to St. Cloud State, why real estate, and how you created such an amazing niche program?

Mooney:  After a number of years as a residential broker in St. Louis Park I was also teaching continuing education courses in the Twin Cities and Winona.  I decided that I wanted to teach real estate at the university level so I went up to St. Cloud and talked to George Karvel who had established the Real Estate program at SCSU.  In about 1981 I went to SMU (Southern Methodist University) to obtain an MS in Real Estate and Regional Science.  I went to SCSU in 1982 to teach as an Instructor.  I taught for two years and then decided to go get a PhD in Finance at Texas A&M.  In about 1986 I returned to SCSU to teach both Finance and Real Estate.

The value of our program is the amazing network of alumni and friends that give back – through mentorship, scholarship, and hire our students for internships and jobs. Tell us about the mentor banquet and how you came up with the idea? Why do you think the real estate alumni organization is so strong?

Mooney:  I came up with the idea for the Mentor Program after a trip to Australia in 1991 to go to the weddings of two young women who were married the same weekend.  They were little girls in 1971 when we met them.  I decided to visit a number of university real estate programs while I was in Australia.  When I visited the University of South Australia the Real Estate Dept. Head told me about their successful Mentor Program.  The only downside of the program was the difficulty he had in obtaining professional mentors.  I thought we can do that and I know a good source of mentors, our committed Real Estate Alumni.  As it turns out, they have been the backbone behind the success of our Real Estate Mentor Program.  I think the success of the Real Estate Alumni Association is in large part due to the commitment of the earliest grads functioning much like war buddies in their support of each other in the early years, as well as those who have followed their lead in the same fashion.

If there is one thing, I learned from you it is that you can be a professor who teaches in the classroom but even more valuable, you can mentor and really care about your students. You always invited students out to your home at the end of the school year for a potluck, boat ride, sometimes golf, or ping pong. You always attended graduation ceremonies.  Tell us some of your favorite memories with students and alumni.

Mooney:  I have wonderful memories both in and out of the classroom.  I certainly enjoyed the outside stuff including playing tennis with students, playing golf, and working the student Real Estate Association.  The absolute highlight though were the graduation ceremonies.  When I started at SCSU we were on quarters with a graduation ceremony each quarter as well as one in the summer, that’s four each year.  Over my 35 years at SCSU I calculated that I attended about 150 graduation ceremonies, and loved each one of them.  Everyone was ALWAYS smiling, the only day of the quarter/semester.

And perhaps most importantly, what have you and Kate (Dr. Kate Mooney – Accounting Professor) been up to since you retired?

Mooney:  It has been a funny retirement due to Covid, but we have been able to do a few things.  In addition to our biking, I have been able to play a bit of tennis, pickleball and golf.  In January/February 2020 we made it to the Australian Open in Melbourne.  That was a great trip and we actually got to have dinner with the young women who were married in 1991.  Other than that we made it to Panama City, FL for our oldest grandson’s high school graduation last month.

I have a request.  It appears that I was deleted from the (Real Estate Alumni) email list when the planning was taking place for my retirement party (in 2019) and thank you so much for that beautiful evening.  However, I would love to be added back to the list which I think I have requested several times.  I’m assuming it was an oversite and you don’t all hate me already.

So, these are the ramblings of the old guy.  I have to comment on my replacement.  Kelly is doing an outstanding job, so good in fact it’s embarrassing for the old guy.  I take solace in the fact that I helped in her training.

Take care,



2020-2021 School Year Comes to an End – And that’s a Wrap!

As the school year comes to an end it’s time to reflect on the accomplishments of the students and wish them well on their next adventures. Some are graduating and moving on to new jobs and others taking a break over summer and hopefully return to a more “normal” campus in the fall.  The good news for real estate majors is there were quite a few requests from employers looking to hire this summer. Entry level positions in appraisal, brokerage, property management and capital markets! The real estate program is rich with student athletes right now and many were able to gain another year of eligibility due to Covid-19, so several postponed graduation and are returning to campus next fall and picking up a second major or a minor.

It will be interesting to see how Covid-19 has changed the campus and higher education.  Like every company out there, we had to learn a new way to do what we do over the last year and there certainly will be what I like to call “Covid Keeps.” The worst way that you could teach an online class is to just share a recording of your “lecture” and expect students to watch it. But feedback from students is that when I record finance/math problems that I work through it is very helpful. Both for the students that attend class live or missed that session. They can go back and watch me explain how I have got to the answer. I can’t see that I would ever go through complex problems in the classroom and NOT record and post the video as a tutorial. In the fall I played around with teaching classes in a HYFLEX manner. This means that I offer the class in person and online and the student chooses (for each class period) how they want to learn. They can choose to come to live class, watch the class through live-stream video, or take the lesson asynchronously on their own time. There are some bumps I would iron out, but the students for the most part enjoyed the flexibility of choosing how to learn. If there was a guest speaker or I was covering a topic they wanted to have participation in they could come to class or stream but could be more flexible with their work schedules without impacting their learning if they chose not to attend live. I will be teaching HYFLEX again next fall and trying out some new things.

The President of the University, Dr. Robbyn Wacker has been working hard on her It’s Time Initiative, which is loaded with a bunch of great things, but one part of the plan is achieve academic distinction with award winning programs. The Real Estate Program is highlighted a program of distinction as the only Minnesota State School to offer a real estate degree and one of only a few universities regionally. Coupled with the fact that our graduates land great paying and high demand jobs, it is a program we will market and grow. More to come!

I was able to enjoy sabbatical spring semester so had extra time to work on some publications and program efforts, but I miss the students and can’t wait to return to them in the fall. The reason I love my job is the interaction with the students (whether online or in person) and I look forward to returning to the energy they give me.  My article, “Infusing Cultural Differences into Complex Real Estate Projects” was recently accepted into the Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education and should be published this summer. I will share more details about the research and study after it prints.

I will be attending graduation ceremonies this Saturday, May 8 and its my favorite time of year. Instead of one large ceremony there will be several smaller ones. It is so fun to see the students and their families enjoying such a great accomplishment!  To students that have graduated, alumni that have changed jobs, or industry partners that would like to be added to my distribution list, please provide contact information updates. There is a form here or you can just send me an email kajameson@stcloudstate.edu.

Our strong partnerships with the industry are the reason our program is so meaningful and successful for the students!


Cheers! Happy Summer!!


NAIOP University Challenge – A student development challenge!

Each year NAIOP Minnesota (National Association of Office and Industrial Properties) invites student teams from regional real estate schools to compete in a development challenge. This year’s site is an old KMART in Minneapolis on Lake Street and Nicollet. Usually students visit the site in February and present their proposal to team of judges in April. The top three teams are invited to present to a larger NAIOP audience. This year everything is virtual. See details about the event and KMART site here:

NAIOP University Challenge 2021

The SCSU Team competing this year includes seniors, Albert Martinez-Castro, Alexa Owen, and Linsey Rachel. Faculty advisor is Dr. Seongsu Kim.


Last year the SCSU team placed 2nd. See details below:

NAIOP Challenge 2020 – SCSU Team Places 2nd!


A Property Managers Take on 2020 – Covid-19 Impacts on the Job

Kelly Jameson interviewed three property managers for a BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) Newsletter. Ellen Morton is General Manager of Centennial Lakes Office Park in Edina.  Anne Donahue is Senior Property Manager of a portfolio of suburban properties for The RMR Group and taught Property Management at SCSU in the fall. Nathan Tursso was recently promoted from Assistant Manager to Property Manager and works in Downtown Minneapolis at RBC Plaza.

Property management has always been a job for those that like interacting with people and have great communication skills along with the ability to adapt and be flexible. It sounds like 2020 challenged all of those skills for these managers. Read the full story here:



Minneapolis St Paul Magazine Article – The Future of Twin Cities Office Space

Kelly Jameson and SCSU Real Estate Alumni, Brent Karkula were recently quoted in the Minneapolis St Paul Magazine Article, the future of Twin Cities Office Space.

A sampling:

In the real estate world, COVID-19 will herald changes similar to how 9/11 changed security, predicts Kelly Jameson, associate professor of finance and real estate at St. Cloud State University. “Office space will forever be changed,” she says. “Tenants will forever think of this in terms of how they use their office space.”

A few weeks into lockdown, people wondered, and maybe feared, if working from a kitchen counter would become standard operating procedure, in part because productivity early in quarantine seemed to soar.

“Employees were fearful of losing their jobs, and everyone was trying to stay relevant,” says Brent Karkula, a managing director on Minneapolis’s agency leasing team at commercial real estate brokerage Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL). “Now a comfort level has set in, and people are maybe not working as hard from home.”

So, how do you get employees who have discovered the relative good of working from their couch back to the office? “There will be a little bit of compromise from both sides,” Karkula concedes. Thus, the hybrid, “best of both worlds” model.

Take a look at the full article here:

The Future of Twin Cities Office Space

Welcome Real Estate Community!

Welcome to a new site designed to help connect our real estate students at St. Cloud State University with the real estate community. The goal will be to promote and publish information on all aspects of real estate. For the students you will find job, internship, and scholarship information along with posts about different career paths in the real estate industry. For our alumni and friends, learn what we are up to at the University with our real estate program and let this be a place to share information with our students or post your jobs or networking opportunities. We look forward to helping connect the industry with the next generation of real estate leaders!