Minneapolis St Paul Magazine Article – The Future of Twin Cities Office Space

Kelly Jameson and SCSU Real Estate Alumni, Brent Karkula were recently quoted in the Minneapolis St Paul Magazine Article, the future of Twin Cities Office Space.

A sampling:

In the real estate world, COVID-19 will herald changes similar to how 9/11 changed security, predicts Kelly Jameson, associate professor of finance and real estate at St. Cloud State University. “Office space will forever be changed,” she says. “Tenants will forever think of this in terms of how they use their office space.”

A few weeks into lockdown, people wondered, and maybe feared, if working from a kitchen counter would become standard operating procedure, in part because productivity early in quarantine seemed to soar.

“Employees were fearful of losing their jobs, and everyone was trying to stay relevant,” says Brent Karkula, a managing director on Minneapolis’s agency leasing team at commercial real estate brokerage Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL). “Now a comfort level has set in, and people are maybe not working as hard from home.”

So, how do you get employees who have discovered the relative good of working from their couch back to the office? “There will be a little bit of compromise from both sides,” Karkula concedes. Thus, the hybrid, “best of both worlds” model.

Take a look at the full article here:

The Future of Twin Cities Office Space