NAIOP University Challenge – A student development challenge!

Each year NAIOP Minnesota (National Association of Office and Industrial Properties) invites student teams from regional real estate schools to compete in a development challenge. This year’s site is an old KMART in Minneapolis on Lake Street and Nicollet. Usually students visit the site in February and present their proposal to team of judges in April. The top three teams are invited to present to a larger NAIOP audience. This year everything is virtual. See details about the event and KMART site here:

NAIOP University Challenge 2021

The SCSU Team competing this year includes seniors, Albert Martinez-Castro, Alexa Owen, and Linsey Rachel. Faculty advisor is Dr. Seongsu Kim.


Last year the SCSU team placed 2nd. See details below:

NAIOP Challenge 2020 – SCSU Team Places 2nd!


A Property Managers Take on 2020 – Covid-19 Impacts on the Job

Kelly Jameson interviewed three property managers for a BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) Newsletter. Ellen Morton is General Manager of Centennial Lakes Office Park in Edina.  Anne Donahue is Senior Property Manager of a portfolio of suburban properties for The RMR Group and taught Property Management at SCSU in the fall. Nathan Tursso was recently promoted from Assistant Manager to Property Manager and works in Downtown Minneapolis at RBC Plaza.

Property management has always been a job for those that like interacting with people and have great communication skills along with the ability to adapt and be flexible. It sounds like 2020 challenged all of those skills for these managers. Read the full story here:
