Spring News at SCSU

We just returned from Spring Break at St. Cloud State University and that signals only a little over a month left of school before summer.  Things are going well, and campus is a bit more of a buzz, but there is still a lot of students that prefer a “Hybrid” model to their classes and take some course work online. Amazingly I have 43 students in appraisal class this spring!! I know Dr. Mooney would be amazed. Anyone want to help grade papers late April??  Seventeen seats were reserved for Chinese International students (finance majors) studying at SCSU as part of the Binhai 2+2 program where they take their final two years of schooling here at SCSU. The Chinese students are very interested in real estate and values as some interesting things are happening with development companies in China. The other 26 students are Real Estate and Finance majors interested in Appraisal and/or getting their real estate license.

We have lot of student athletes in the real estate program right now and it was fun to see their seasons turn out so nicely. Because of Covid, many athletes were able to pick up another year of NCAA eligibility and added course work (like real estate major/minor) to keep playing their sport.  Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball and Wrestling all represented in the real estate major this year!  Learn more about how their seasons went here: SCSU Huskies (Sports Info)

We have a great team lined up for the NAIOP University Challenge this year and looking at an Office Development in Shoreview.  The competition is back in person this year on April 21. Hope to see some of you there!  Find out more and register to attend here: 2022 NAIOP University Challenge

Our SCSU Real Estate Market Update that was canceled due to Covid in the fall has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 17. More details to come but we are planning an afternoon program followed by a SCSU REAA happy hour.

Finally – can you believe we have been collecting wage survey data for 25 years?  Because of the anniversary I’m asking a few additional questions this year and presenting results at a National Real Estate Conference in April. I’m happy to do presentations for any groups that might be interested. Last year I shared with MAAO (Minnesota Association of Assessors) and because I collect on survey monkey, I can add filters by industry segment or another relevant characteristic. If you are interested in a specialized report let me know!  If you are alumni of the SCSU Real Estate Program and didn’t get survey link by email let me know!

Wishing you a great spring!