myth of migration

Much of What We Think We Know Is Wrong

The debate over migration is plagued by a variety of inaccuracies and misunderstandings — on both the right and the left. Here is what the research really shows.

By Hein de Haas

Hein de Haas is a professor of sociology at the University of Amsterdam. He was a founding member and former co-director of the International Migration Institute (IMI) at the University of Oxford.

1. No, closed borders do not automatically lead to less migration.

2. No, migration policies have not failed.

3. No, migration policies have not become more restrictive.

4. No, development aid in origin countries does not prevent migration.

5. No, migration doesn’t lead to “brain drain.”

6. No, migrants don’t steal jobs, nor do they undermine the welfare state.

7. No, migration cannot solve the problems associated with an aging society.

8. No, we aren’t living in an era of unprecedented migration.

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