Julia Rainer discussion

Julia Rainer,

a guest speaker at the HONS 221 Migration and Refugees in a Global World class tonight, Thursday, 5PM, MC 206.

The guest speaker Julia Rainer, is the Austrian Youth Ambassador to the United Nations.
Julia will be having an information conversation with the students, which will academically will be oriented toward assisting the students with their final projects.
The meeting will take place on Adobe Connect: http://scsuconnect.stcloudstate.edu/ims

  • Julia is 24 years old and that appeals to the average age of our students
  • Julia is an acting member of the United Nations: https://youtu.be/pJmwORCnLGk
  • Julia is active not only professionally, but also on a private level with the refugee crisis in Europe. She will share with the class first-hand impressions and will lead a discussion on parallels with the migration and refugee situation in the United States and, in particular, in St. Cloud.

Hungary border fence

Hungary starts building second, ’smart’ border fence


Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s right-wing government considers migration to be one of the largest threats to the status quo in the EU. But officials in Brussels and some other EU centers are distressed by some of his go-it-alone policies.

Orban was also a rare EU leader to endorse U.S. President Donald Trump, who is seeking to built a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

refugees in Minnesota

Dangerous passage: Refugees in Minnesota risk death to reach Canada

“Why I take this risk?” he asked. “(It) is because there was no humanity in the United States any longer because of the new administration.”

Fear is driving people to take desperate action, according to Maggie Yaboah, president of the 1,200-member Ghanaian Union of Manitoba, which often provides informal assistance to new arrivals.

Day Without Immigrants

Many Twin Cities businesses closing Thursday for ‘Day Without Immigrants’ protest

A national protest is spurring immigrants to make their voices heard by walking off their jobs.

on the muslim ban

Town hall meeting on Tuesday 14th at 3 in the Cascade room

On the “Muslim ban”.

Tabakin, Geoffrey A. <gatabakin@stcloudstate.edu>

As a point of Personal Privilege, I ask that these remarks be entered into the record of these proceedings along with the attached motions.  Geoffrey Tabakin Faculty Association Senator

As a refugee from Apartheid South Africa in 1968 I was initially denied entry to the United States of America on the grounds that I had opposed the “Democratic” Government of the Republic of South Africa, an ally in good standing with the United States of America.  Three months — December 1968 to March 1969 — and many adventures homeless on the streets of Montreal I secured a visa and entrance to the USA due to the involvement and action of citizens of the United States.  Refugees, visa holders, and non-citizens with family ties do not have rights of redress through the courts even when agreements have been made.

The plight of individuals in the face of overwhelming political posturing and power needs to be taken into consideration as part of our obligation and responsibility to respond publicly in light of the

Immigration Executive Order signed Friday, January 27 and titled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”

With the signing of the Executive Order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States” on Friday, January 27 we confront an edict both bewildering and stunning as regard our academic standing and our contractual commitments “to engaging as a member of a diverse and multicultural world – a key dimension of Our Husky Compact” (President Vaidya), and the mission of St. Cloud State University.  Islamophobia, religious intolerance, racial and ethnic discrimination are all tied into the Executive Order.  As faculty and academics – to say nothing of community members with moral conscience – we have a responsibility to stand-up and to be heard on the issues.


It should be recognized that as refugees or persons holding visas or even green cards, the individuals seeking refuge and safety are NOT citizens and as such have no legal recourse or appeals. Without choice, without advocacy, without resources, it is the voice of privilege – ours – that must speak out against the perpetuation of this immoral, unjustified, and cruel imposition of a sentence of despair and hopelessness in the midst of terror.  Whether or not the non-refoulement clause* (as enshrined in Article 33 of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and also contained in the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees )is fully enforced, the stark reality is that uncertainty as to status due to the invocation of Islamophobic discrimination permeates our community, our colleagues and our students — indeed any international person subjected to the arbitrariness of border control.

  • “Non-refoulement is a key facet of refugee law, that concerns the protection of refugees from being returned or expelled to places where their lives or freedoms could be threatened. Unlike political asylum,  which applies to those who can prove a well-grounded fear of persecution based on certain category of persons, non-refoulement refers to the generic repatriation of people, including refugees into war zones and other disasterhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-refoulement

In light of these events and the certainty that these attacks will continue in various forms, I offer the following set of motions:


  1. MOVE that the Senate endorses and supports the position of President Vaidya and Chancellor Rosenstone in our unambiguous commitment to diversity and academic integrity.  We call on the faculty association, the administration, other unions, and students to come together in a town hall meeting / “teach in” / “speak out” to address the concerns of our students and colleagues as regard this matter.

WHEREAS the urgency and crisis nature of the situation calls for an immediate public response to ensure that all affected are made aware of our position MOVE that the town hall discussion take place on Tuesday 14th February 2017 (appropriately Valentine’s Day as an act of love and support) in lieu of FA Executive Committee and business as usual.

  1. WHEREAS information regarding the ban is moving very rapidly MOVE that the CARE Initiative Web Site sets up as a repository to link documentation and other pertinent materials concerning this ongoing catastrophe.
  1. MOVE that the IFO and our legal resources develop a statement and policy position on this matter and support the actions taken by the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office challenging this Executive Order;
  1. WHEREAS the matter will be under dispute for some time while lives and hopes are disrupted MOVE to explore means and resources to assist students and colleagues put in jeopardy by the constraints of the Executive Order through the establishment of a campus wide ad hoc Committee on the Protection of Immigrant, International, and DACA — Students, Faculty, Staff, and Administration



the world of yesterday



During the early years of Hitler’s rise, Zweig was at the height of his career, and a renowned champion of causes that sought to promote solidarity among European nations. He called for the founding of an international university with branches in all the major European capitals, with a rotating exchange program intended to expose young people to other communities, ethnicities, and religions. He was only too aware that the nationalistic passions expressed in the First World War had been compounded by new racist ideologies in the intervening years. The economic hardship and sense of humiliation that the German citizenry experienced as a consequence of the Versailles Treaty had created a pervasive resentment that could be enlisted to fuel any number of radical, bloodthirsty projects.

They took him neither seriously nor literally. Even into the nineteen-thirties, “the big democratic newspapers, instead of warning their readers, reassured them day by day, that the movement . . . would inevitably collapse in no time.” Prideful of their own higher learning and cultivation, the intellectual classes could not absorb the idea that, thanks to “invisible wire-pullers”—the self-interested groups and individuals who believed they could manipulate the charismatic maverick for their own gain—this uneducated “beer-hall agitator” had already amassed vast support. After all, Germany was a state where the law rested on a firm foundation, where a majority in parliament was opposed to Hitler, and where every citizen believed that “his liberty and equal rights were secured by the solemnly affirmed constitution.”

Eventually, even well-meaning journalists and intellectuals became guilty of what he called “the ‘doping’ of excitement”—an artificial incitement of emotion that culminated, inevitably, in mass hatred and fear. Describing the healthy uproar that ensued after one artist’s eloquent outcry against the war in the autumn of 1914, Zweig observed that, at that point, “the word still had power. It had not yet been done to death by the organization of lies, by ‘propaganda.’ “

Propaganda both whipped up Hitler’s base and provided cover for his regime’s most brutal aggressions. It also allowed truth seeking to blur into wishful thinking, as Europeans’ yearning for a benign resolution to the global crisis trumped all rational skepticism.