protest rally

a rally this afternoon at 4:30 at the Courthouse downtown to protest the recent executive order banning refugees and travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US. There will be a march from there to City Hall, arriving at 5:15.

One of the countries on the forbidden list is Somalia, so this is an issue that will have profound effects on many of our students and neighbors.

Mark Jaede

Green Card Voices

The Communication Studies Department and the Communication Studies Club are proud to announce the exhibition of Green Card Voices on our campus.  Green Card Voices is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to record the stories of America’s immigrants and share them with the world.  Beginning on Monday, February 6th, twenty banners from the project will each tell the story of an immigrant to the United States.  These banners will be exhibited in Atwood Center near the ramp to the Theatre.  The banners will be on display in Atwood for two weeks and then in Riverview for two week.

The Executive Director and Co-Founder of Green Card Voices, Tea Rozman-Clark, will give a presentation at noon on Monday, February 6th in the Atwood Theatre about the project.  All SCSU employees and students are invited to attend.

This project is supported in part by funds from the Don Sikkink Communication Studies Endowment.

Italy and refugees

Italy’s Growing Refugee Problem

The large number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea from Africa to Italy continues unabated, with more coming now than in previous years. Many want to continue their journey to Germany. With Italian authorities badly overstrained, could this become Berlin’s next problem?

By Luigi Albonico, , Vladimir Otasevic, Charlotte Teunis and Katharina Wecker

What does this mean for Europe? If the political and economic problems in Italy continue to deteriorate, African refugees could soon become a more pressing matter at the European level. The populist parties in particular — Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini’s Lega Nord — may have an interest in trying to get as many refugees as possible to leave Italy.

the Interior Ministry has drafted a plan that, if approved, would see migrant boats sent back to North Africa directly after their rescue at sea.

Refugees in Ukraine

Domestic Refugees in UkraineWaiting Out the War

The war in eastern Ukraine has uprooted hundreds of thousands of people, forcing them to flee from the constant shelling. Many of them have since found shelter, but they are yearning to return to their old lives.

Kirk Johnson and Iraq Refugees

Kirk Johnson, an American refugee advocate
Packer, G. (2015, November 20). Our Betrayal of Syrian and Iraqi Refugees. Retrieved January 7, 2017, from
Johnson, K. W. (n.d.). The Iraqi Friends We Abandoned. Retrieved January 7, 2017, from