Of Composition and Podcasts

During quarantine, as I’ve had to watch more video calls than I ever wanted to in my life, I’ve found myself drawn to the lower stakes presentations done through podcasts. Listening to lectures doesn’t just give me something to do but engages me. The techniques used in podcasts encourage me to not only seek out more but consider making my own, as well.

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Writing Centers: Perception V.S. Reality

Writing Centers: Perception V.S. Reality

Written by Zackary Boos


I began my journey in the world of writing centers early last year in January of 2019. Not as a tutor, but as a student learning to become one. I came in with many of the typical wrong ideas, expecting to showoff skills in correcting grammar. Over the course of that chilly spring semester, I learned the reality of today’s writing centers, and today I’ve nearly completed my first year of working at St. Cloud State University’s Write Place. Increasingly, writing centers are becoming more of an integral feature to American colleges and universities. Through many different structural and ideological changes, writing centers have become perceived as remedial learning facilities for students, for lacking in skill, and even as a copy-editing service. Read on to learn truth of today’s writing centers.

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