Reading Reflection #7: Evidence Part 1


  1. The definition in my belief of evidence is a proven statement that would have back up or justify the argument.  In the textbook, the evidence definition is “explicit information shared by the communicator that is used to back up or to justify the dependability of a factual claim. In prescriptive arguments, evidence will be needed to support reasons that are factual claims; in descriptive arguments, evidence will be needed to directly support a descriptive conclusion.”
  1. The definition of Personal experience is something that happened in your life. The strength of personal experience using in evidence is it has happened and some can tell you about it but, the potential problem that it only happened to them and not other people so, the evidence is not a broad perspective. The definition of case examples is using a story to make the statement true. The strength is that you can make up the story to sound like a true realistic story but, the potential problem that the story can be made up with fictional characters to sound like that it was a true story but in reality its all fake. The definition of testimonials is you own opinion in the evidence. The strength is that these are real people speaking to sound believable but the potential problem is that they can be paid actors to speak from a script to sound believable that it works or its a great place to be in. The definition of appeals to authority is getting evidence from “experts.” The strength is it can be believable and maybe real experts but the potential problem is they can be paid to say positive evidence to sound believable.
  1. The website I went to is and look at a a coronavirus at they use the appeals to authority. the coronavirus is talking about hopes of a new drug that would help people that have the coronavirus. The evidence is very reliable and believable because there’s so many evidence that supports the claims.

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