What Tech Invades my space?

Did you know in 2019 81% of Americans own a smart phone.[1]

Nearly three quarters of Americans in 2019 own a laptop or desk computer. [1]

Hello, my name is Zaya Moreno in this post I’ll be talking about what’s items are on my desk, what tech devices do I carry now, and what tech do I personally want?

What’s on my Desk?

Like many American college students, I spend a lot of time at my desk due to Covid-19 canceling all my in-person classes and forcing all but one of my classes online. Right now, my desk is covered in folders, notebooks, textbooks, snacks/drinks, computers, pencils, pens, toys/board games, and muffins crumbs. Also, these isn’t enough room on my desk to store a printer or scratched pieces of paper, which is why the ledge to the left of me is covered in things. This mess all came from me and my partner sitting here five days a week clocking in at least eight hours of schoolwork, zoom meetings, and reading emails. All these things that I have on my desk help me get through eight hours of school. Especially my computers that take up at least half of the desk. Or if I was lugging it around on campus, my computers would weight about five pounds, give or take. My computer connects me to the world.

What tech devices do I carry now? 

Before Covid-19 happened, I would be lugging around my laptop in my backpack and holding my iPhone to look at memes. Now, I leave my computer at home because I no longer need to use the printers on campus anymore. Now I only take my iPhone out. My phone also has access to the internet, it fits in a smaller pocket and it does not weigh down my backpack. Plus, my phone is easier to disinfect compared to a laptop because we live with Covid-19 and germs are everywhere. As well as tech ads.

What tech do I want?

I think I got most of the technology I wanted, but I know I’m lying to myself because everything I want is out of my price range. This year I wanted the new Apple iPad Pro 2020 and keyboard with all the accessories. It would have cost me over 1500 dollars. Luckily for me, I checked out the Microsoft store to see if they had any deals. The Microsoft store had deals. I later purchased the Surface Pro 7 with a keyboard and wireless charging pen which cost me just under 1000 dollars. This purchase had everything I was looking for in a tablet, multiple ports and it’s a two in one. I knew I did not want the iPad to begin with, but I wanted the status symbol. Because all my life I have never had a new computer, a new iPod, or a new game system. Everything I had was use. I felt deep shame because everybody I knew had that new mac book or iPhone that came out every year, just as Carr from the book “Shallows” had to upgrade his computer to get the latest thing out there. Because it was faster and newer. The only tech I do want in my life is a new speaker and headphones because I enjoy listening to music during a time of panic.


In America almost everybody has a smartphone or a computer, including me to get through Covid-19 times, since we can’t be together. My desk is filled with computers and food to get me through online learning. My smartphone is the only thing I carry with me now and I sometimes feel shame not owning the newest version of anything. What pieces of tech invades your space whether it’s physically or mentally?


[1]“Demographics of Mobile Device Ownership and Adoption in the United States.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 5 June 2020, www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/mobile/.


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