Week Four

Before the Thursday meeting Polly messaged the group saying she got the President of SCSU Robbyn Wacker to do a panel with us. I send a okay emoji. On Thursday November 20th Polly, Kseniia, and I, did a mens’ panel instead of having a formal meeting like we do every Thursday. We did this panel on Thursday because it is when all the men could get together. It was my turn to lead the panel. I was a little nervous and improvised what I was saying. The panel went great and it was over an hour long it could have gone on longer. After the panel Polly messaged me say, “You did great”.  Then Polly emailed Kseniia and I, asking us to come up with some questions for the girls’ panel for Saturday and that she was going to lead the panel. I sent my questions to Polly write away. I posted on Tik Tok and Instagram about how I was feeling on my period

Saturday, we did the girls’ panel. I think this was the most successful panel because these twelve years old had a lot to say. It was interesting. These twelve years old gave me hope for the future. After the panel Kseniia, Polly, and I talked about how we are doing on our blog and on social media. We talked about how many more blog or posting we had to do.

Sunday rolls around. We have an interview with President of SCSU Robbyn Wacker over Zoom. Me being me I half read Pollys’ messaged and thought we only had time to asked President Wacker two questions only. During the interview Polly asked me to go first and I did not pull up my questions before the interview started. I asked Polly to go first. Wacker saved me say she did her homework and answered my questions. Throughout the entire interview with President Wacker I felt embarrassed. When it was over, I crawled into my bed.

Monday, I finally had the energy or will power to type up a blog about how I was feeling. In this blog I talked about how I handled my feelings before the pandemic and how I handle them now. Mental health became my theme for my two Instagram post. I posted two pictures one of food and the other of coffee. I have also started my portfolio.


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