Pros and Cons of Social Media for Society

Social media is incorporated into everyones lives in one way or another. Whether you personally have and use a social media account or your company has one or you occasionally are shown something on it, everyone sees it. Being that everyone is affected by social media I wanted to look at what disadvantages and advantages social media has on society. This list is an individuals opinion so some of the items listed may be slightly embellished. Below are two lists of the 10 disadvantages and 10 advantages:


  1. Cyberbullying
  2. Hacking
  3. Addiction
  4. Fraud and Scams
  5. Security Issues
  6. Reputation
  7. Cheating and Relationship issues
  8. Health Issues
  9. Social Media causes Death
  10. Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol


  1. Connectivity
  2. Education
  3. Help
  4. Information and Updates
  5. Promotion
  6. Noble Cause
  7. Awareness
  8. Help Government and Agencies Fight Crime
  9. Improves Business Reputation
  10. Helps in Building Communities

To see the full list and read more about each of the items included follow the link provided:


3 thoughts on “Pros and Cons of Social Media for Society

  1. The impact of social media on life is difficult to overestimate. I studied this direction in my course project. And determined the degree of involvement depending on age groups. I entrusted the generalization of information and the final revision to the professionals whom I chose thanks to the review see this site The end result is a pretty interesting study.

  2. I think this is an interesting study, looking at my parents I am sure that almost all age groups are involved in the use of social networks almost evenly.

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