W-8 Paying My Child to Behave


Token economy systems are widely used as a part of applied behavior analysis interventions in different settings such as schools, homes, and clinics. The token economy is a method of delivering tokens for positive behavior to increase the frequency of the desired behaviors (e.g., instructions). Later, the tokens can be exchanged for rewards (e.g. treats, time of iPad, social interaction). You might think “well, I am bribing my child to behave.” To that, a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) might tell you “token economy is not bribing.” Remember the differences between reinforcement and bribery! Think of it as how you get paid for working. You would not call that bribery, would you?

When using a token economy, here are the necessary steps:

  1. Select a behavior: If your child has not experienced a token economy, a BCBA might recommend you choose one appropriate behavior initially. This ensures you can provide the token for that specific behavior. For example, using the word “please” when asking for something, going to bed on time, or doing 10 minutes of math homework.
  2. Choose rewards: Make sure to choose something that your child enjoys. These items can include their favorite, special snacks, activities, toys, or privileges like staying up late or having a pizza night. Of course, you can also ask your child to give you ideas!
  3. Select tokens: You can use checkmarks, poker chips, smiley faces, or cartoon characters that your child likes. You can find printouts here.
  4. Track the earned tokens: You could use a chart or a box and place it somewhere you and your child can see and track points easily.
  5. Determine how many tokens need to be earned: For different rewards, your child needs to earn a varied amount of token to exchange for them. (e.g. one token for a piece of candy, ten tokens for playing 30 minutes of video games). Also, make sure there are various small and big rewards so you child and get smaller rewards immediately or save up tokens for bigger rewards.

Here are some useful tips on running a token economy program:

  1. Make sure to provide a token along with behavior-specific praise immediately after the selected behavior.
  2. Start small and easy at the beginning of the program. You could even start by giving one free token to get the program going each day.
  3. Change up the rewards from time to time so your child will not lose interest.
  4. Have your child engages in the token economy development and creation. Your child can design the tokens, or what rewards to earn.

We will introduce another graduate senior behavior clinician at the ABA Husky Clinic next week and learn about how he discovers his love for ABA. To explore more ABA related topics and resources, check out our Facebook page.

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