Reading Reflection #1: Critical thinking

1. The values of a critical thinker are:

  1. Autonomy, which is seeking different views that aren’t our own.
  2. Curiosity, asking questions about the information that you consume.
  3. Humility, admitting that you may be wrong and not holding on to your beliefs because of your ignorance.
  4. Respect for good reasoning wherever you find it.

2. Weak sense thinking is different than strong-sense thinking in a way that weak-sense thinking has one unconcerned of the truth. Strong-sense is harder to use because it humiliates you forces you to get rid of bias.

3. The argument we have with our parents are small arguments that may not be backed up with evidence and is more opinion-based. The argument in the book is more of an intellectual argument with the claim, evidence, and a conclusion.

4. It is difficult to find the right answer because most people do not use critical thinking as the way they look into thigs in real-life. We do not consider other points of view and hold firmly on our beliefs.


Why Questioning-

  1. I personally like questioning because it would lead me to learn more and would expand my knowledge.
  2. As children grow, they become less interested in the world around them. People like Bezos and Steve Jobs carry own the curiosity attribute which is part of their success.
  3.  In college, questioning would be crucial when absorbing information to actually understand the content rather than just memorizing it.