Foundations for Writing

SCSU Site for English 191

Gender-neutral pronouns


Here’s a link to an article responding to Webster’s addition of they as a gender-neutral pronoun that I thought you might find useful.

And here’s the article lead:

Pronouns matter.

There has been a cascade of recent news about the use of ‘they’ and ‘them’ as gender-neutral pronouns. These stories provide a useful teachable moment about the importance of pronouns and in understanding people who are non-binary. Evolving knowledge of pronouns is a result of our society becoming more aware of gender identity and expression.


  1. لا بد من التخلّص من البراغيث الموجودة في الحيوانات وإبادتها؛ لمنع انتقالها للمنزل، وذلك بالطريقة الطبيعية الآتية: استخدام شامبو البراغيث الطبيعي: تحتوي بعض الشامبوهات على زيوت طبيعية فعالة، ومنها: الأوكالبتوس، وإكليل الجبل، وزيوت الحمضيات المُنعشة التي تقضي على البراغيث، ويُفضّل تجنّب الشامبوهات الكيميائية التي تحتوي على مُبيداتٍ حشرية قويّة قد يتضرر منها جلد الحيوان. قص جزءٍ من الفرو: يجب الاستمرار في فرك الحيوان بالشامبو مدّة 15 دقيقةً، ويُفضّل قص جزء من فروه؛ حيث إنّه قد يحتوي على جزءٍ كبيٍر من البراغيث. التدبير الوقائي: يُنصح باستخدام خل التفاح كتدبيرٍ وقائيٍّ يقي من البراغيث، وذلك بخلط جزءٍ من الماء وجزءٍ مساوٍ من الخل ورشها بواسطة زجاجة رذاذٍ على الحيوان، أو نقعه بها، ويُمكن استبداله بعصير الليمون الطبيعي.
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  5. Gender-neutral pronouns, such as “they/them,” have gained recognition as inclusive language, respecting individuals’ diverse gender identities. These pronouns provide a means for non-binary and gender-nonconforming people to be referred to without assuming their gender. The usage of such pronouns fosters a more inclusive and respectful environment. As awareness grows, tools like offer educational resources on pronoun usage, aiding in broader acceptance and understanding of gender diversity in language and society

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  7. Gender-neutral pronouns, such as “they/them,” “ze/zir,” or “xe/xem,” provide inclusivity and respect for individuals who identify outside the traditional gender binary. Recognizing diverse identities fosters a more welcoming environment, where everyone feels seen and valued. Using these pronouns acknowledges and affirms people’s gender identities, promoting understanding and acceptance. Inclusive language creates a space where everyone can thrive authentically, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of belonging. Just as diverse pronouns enrich our communication, embracing diversity enriches our communities. So, make your event magical with a strolling magician and let inclusivity be the centerpiece of your gathering.

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