Foundations for Writing

SCSU Site for English 191

December 9, 2019
by Judith Kilborn

“Board approves 1 step in moving Ole Miss Confederate statue”

According to the Associated Press (, A Confederate statue would be moved from a central spot on the University of Mississippi’s campus to a less prominent Confederate cemetery, under a proposal approved Friday by a state board. The cemetery is still … Continue reading

November 4, 2019
by Judith Kilborn

“St. Cloud professor examines Minnesota’s ties to slaveholder wealth in new book”

Professor Christopher Lehman will talk about his new book documenting Minnesota’s ties to slavery on Wednesday, November 6th, at 7 p.m. in Miller Center Auditorium. This St. Cloud Times’ article reveals some of this history. (I mentioned some of this information in … Continue reading

August 22, 2019
by Judith Kilborn

“The Hopefulness and Hopelessness of 1619”

The Atlantic explores the historical significance of 1619  in “The Hopefulness and Hopelessness of 1619: Marking the 400-year African American struggle to survive and to be free of racism” (  Here’s the lead for the article: Her name was Angela, one of … Continue reading

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