Foundations for Writing

SCSU Site for English 191

September 24, 2019
by Judith Kilborn

“Protests over black girls’ hair rekindle debate about racism in South Africa”

Here’s the lead of an article from the September 3 Washington Post about protests concerning school guidelines regarding natural hair: PRETORIA, South Africa — In recent years, staff members at the prestigious Pretoria High School for Girls in South Africa’s administrative … Continue reading

September 19, 2019
by Judith Kilborn

More states are trying to protect black employees who want to wear natural hairstyles at work

Here’s the lead of an interesting article about restrictions on natural hairstyles in the workplace as well as state legal bans (and potential bans): In 2017, at a gala luncheon hosted at the opulent Cipriani 42nd Street in New York, … Continue reading

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