What is an I-20?

Passport & Map

By: Rachid Ouedraogo

Studying in the US can be a confusing process. There are many terms to learn and important things to remember. One of the most common questions when a student first starts is, “What is an I-20?”

Without an I-20, you cannot apply for an F-1 international student visa. An I-20 is a “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status”. The document tells embassy or consular officials that you have qualified for admission to an academic program in the U.S. and that you are eligible to apply for a visa based on your application documents. Only approved schools in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) can offer the form I-20. A Designated School Official, or DSO, works at a SEVIS approved school and can create I-20s. Any questions about your I-20 can be answered by the DSO at your school.

Not all universities and colleges process applications and I-20s the same way. You will need to ask your school what the process is. Some schools offer admission based on academic documents, then ask for financials to meet I-20 requirements. Other schools may ask for financial documents at the time you apply so that an I-20 is created with your admission offer. Once you receive your form I-20, you must sign at the bottom of page 1. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must sign for you.

You must then apply for a visa. You may apply 120 days before your program start date listed on the I-20. One of the first steps is to pay the mandatory I-901 SEVIS fee. You will need information on the I-20 to make payment. It is best to pay this before your visa appointment. You must then complete your F-1 visa application. You must have your original I-20 at your visa interview with any other required documents (such as academic documents, financials, payment receipts, etc.). You can read our blog about the student visa process here. It is important to remember that getting an I-20 does not mean you are guaranteed a visa. It just means you are eligible to apply.

It is extremely important that you keep the I-20 safe. You will need it throughout your studies in the U.S. This document represents your legal, valid international student status in the U.S. If you lose or damage your I-20, please contact your program or DSO to get a replacement. You will also need your I-20 any time you travel outside the U.S. If you travel outside the U.S. and plan to return, you must contact your school’s DSO to get a travel signature.

The I-20 is different from a visa. The visa is only a travel document that allows you to travel to a U.S. port of entry (usually an airport). It is then up to Customs and Border Protection official at the port-of-entry to review your documents for entrance to the U.S. You must maintain your status once you enter in the U.S. Your university will have a department dedicated to helping you maintain your status. For general information, the Department of Homeland Security’s website, Study in the States, is a good reference: https://studyinthestates.dhs.gov/maintaining-status. Your DSO will also help you extend your I-20’s program end date and change your program (get a new I-20).

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1 Response

  1. etiasvisaeurope says:

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