How to Survive a Minnesota Winter

By: Paripa Michelle Ganou

Located in the upper Midwest, Minnesota is one of the coldest US states during winter. In fact, Minnesota is famous for its winters! It may be a shock to your system if you have never experienced winter weather like it before. It is important to know what to expect if you are planning to live and study in Minnesota. We are going to give you our top 10 tips for surviving a Minnesota winter. Trust us; you will want to remember these!

Before we begin, here is some basic information about Minnesota winters:

  • The winter officially starts in December and ends in March.
  • Precipitation is usually in the form of snow. Freezing rain, ice, sleet, and blizzards are all possible.
  • Snowfall averages about 48 inches (122cm) per year in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  • The average winter temperature is 10°F (-12°C). The coldest temperature ever recorded in the state was -60°F (-51°C) in the most northern parts of Minnesota.
  • It also gets darker earlier in the winter—the sun often sets around 5pm.

It is important to know that because of Minnesota’s location in the Midwest, the climate varies drastically among all four seasons. We can experience very cold winters and very hot, humid summers. If you study in Minnesota, you will experience a variety of weather. You do not get that opportunity in a lot other areas. Preparation for all types of weather is key!

10 Tips for Winter Survival:

  1. Check your weather app every day before going outside! In Minnesota, weather can change drastically, especially during the winter. Monday can be sunny, Tuesday can be windy, and Wednesday could be a blizzard.
  1. Dress appropriately. You need to be warm and most importantly, protected from the weather. Sometimes, the temperature or even the wind chill can be so cold that it affects your health and safety. You can prevent that by wearing a knit hat, pair of gloves, waterproof boots, a thick winter coat, and warm scarf. In addition, the best way to stay warm is to wear multiple layers of clothes—layers, layers, layers! Minnesotans usually recommend a base layer of thermal underwear (called “long johns”).

Special tip! If you do not have waterproof boots, you can put your foot (with socks on) in a plastic bag, and then put on your boots.

  1. Bring basic winter items with you. If you are a new student coming during spring semester (starting in January), it will be very cold. Make sure you pack at least a few long-sleeve shirts or sweaters, a good jacket, hat, and gloves. You can buy the rest here so that your suitcase is not too full.
  1. Small budget for winter clothes? Buy at thrift stores! Thrift stores are stores that sell gently used donated clothing. You can typically find good hats, gloves, boots, and coats at these stores. In St. Cloud, you can buy used items at Goodwill, Savers, or Plato’s Closet.
  1. Sign up for Star Alert! If you attend St. Cloud State University, check that you receive alerts from our Emergency Notification System called Star Alert. You will receive text messages and email notifications about weather emergencies that can affect campus or classes. If the weather affects safety, campus may delay or cancel classes. When classes are cancelled, we call these “snow days.”
  1. Make the most of it. It is important to remember that you can enjoy winter just as much as summer. In fact, there are things you can do in winter that you cannot do the rest of the year.
    • Get in the holiday spirit. Decorate your apartment or dorm, bake holiday cookies, host dinners, or make your living space a cozy environment for a movie night.
    • Get outdoors! You can go sledding near campus, ice-skating at the hockey center, snowshoeing, skiing, and snowboarding. You can even go ice fishing!
    • Travel locally to holiday events. In St. Paul, there is a winter carnival every year.
  1. If you are feeling down, talk to a friend or counselor. The weather can affect us in different ways. It can change our mood, attitude, make us lose motivation, or make us homesick. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is quite common. Symptoms include irritability, tiredness or low energy, or appetite changes. If you experience this, we encourage you to reach out to friends or student resources, like Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), to get help. St. Cloud State University’s Library offers an area with Full Spectrum Lighting. Sitting in front of these lights can boost your mood. Staying active with exercise, getting good sleep, eating healthy, and drinking a lot of water can help.
  1. Practice careful driving. If you drive, make sure you prepare your car. Check tires frequently to make sure they are in good condition. Clear all snow and ice off your car before driving. Let your car warm up before going anywhere. Of course, drive slowly. Ice on the roads can be dangerous.

Special tip! Keep cat litter in your trunk. This sounds weird, but if you are stuck on ice, the cat litter will give your tire some traction to get moving. Make sure you have an emergency road kit in your car as well, with hand warmers and a blanket.

  1. Prepare for storms! If you hear of a storm coming, prepare to be stuck at home. Go to the grocery store and stock up on food, drinks & snacks. Make sure that you fully charge your laptop and phone in case the power goes out.
  1. Finally yet importantly, treat yourself! Cook warm comfort foods and enjoy hot drinks—SCSU has Caribou Coffee and Starbucks locations on campus. A Ho Ho Mint Mocha (Caribou) or Peppermint Mocha (Starbucks) are the way to go.

Now you are ready to survive the famous Minnesota winter! As always, reach out to us if you have any questions. If you have any other tips, leave them in a comment below. Enjoy the winter!

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