Summarized by Mary McCann

Gartner, a leading business advisory company, has recently released their top 10 trends in influential technology for 2018. These trends include advancements in technology like augmented reality, which is similar to applying virtual reality to the real world, Artificial Intelligence, and cloud technologies. According to Bolkan (2017), “Nearly every app and service will incorporate some level of AI in the next few years” (para. 5). Artificial Intelligence will both be seen and unseen, as companies and app developers create smart programs that adapt to users and learners. Another upcoming trend is digital twins: “virtual representations of real-world objects or systems” (Bolkan, 2017, para. 8). These digital duplicates can be used by business and designers alike to analyze trends and flow of information.


Bolkan, J. (2017). AI, merging of digital and physical worlds among top 10 tech trends for 2018. The Journal. Retrieved from