Telegram Telegram is widely used by the Russian political establishment, and prominent politicians and officials have openly flouted or criticised the ban. Data from the app showed several Kremlin officials had continued to sign in on Tuesday evening, four days after a court ordered the service to be blocked over alleged terrorism concerns. Edward Snowden,…

twitter bots

Bots in the Twittersphere An estimated two-thirds of tweeted links to popular websites are posted by automated accounts – not human beings BY STEFAN WOJCIK, SOLOMON MESSING, AARON SMITH, LEE RAINIE AND PAUL HITLIN APRIL 9, 2018 The role of so-called social media “bots” – automated accounts capable of posting content or interacting with other users with no direct human…

Verified on Facebook

How to Get Verified on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide Dara Fontein Which Facebook verification badge is right for you? There are two types of Facebook verification badges, so you want to make sure you apply for the right one. If you are a public figure, media company, or large brand, you can apply for…

dating scams in social media as global issue

Dating scams now are becoming a global issues, thanks to social media. Here are some resources to study, if of interest for you. Please contribute with your sources. popular media: FTC: FBI: peer-reviewed articles Whitty, M. T., & Buchanan, T. (2016). The online dating romance scam: The psychological impact on victims –…

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