Blue In The Distance VR Performance.
During a performance by Tracey Engleman and Zeitgeist of ‘The Blue in the Distance for live ensemble and virtual reality film, a selection of audience members were invited to view […]
During a performance by Tracey Engleman and Zeitgeist of ‘The Blue in the Distance for live ensemble and virtual reality film, a selection of audience members were invited to view […]
Since the prior Seasonal update, the VizLab has applied a number of improvements to the MN NICE project. The last several weeks in particular have given way to some great […]
On October 11th, the VizLab hosted the first Hands-on Virtual Reality Workshop, sponsored by the Minnesota State university system. The workshop began with an educational portion that focused on forming […]
Background The Visualization Lab team at SCSU has been busy this summer working on an exciting new project! MN NICE, an acronym for Minnesota Networked Immersive Collaborative Environment, is a […]
I’m a life-long, unapologetic Whovian. My first Doctor was Tom Baker, and ever since then I’ve wanted to make a TARDIS. I’ve done them in VR, VRML, 3D printing. […]
Last year Google’s ARCore SDK came out for supported Android phones. It had some new features previously lacking from other Augmented Reality applications. It does more than just […]
Muriel is a prototype of a chatbot, with the responses of a person suffering from dementia. She’s one of soon to be several ‘Residents’ who occupy a virtual memory […]
One of my first paying gigs with 3D computer graphics was an architectural rendering. It took hundreds of processing hours and resulted in a minute or so of 320×240 […]
So here’s my first blog post. Why do I call this blog ‘1 hour scrums’, one might ask. It’s because I’m going to use this blog to show off some […]