Global health issue.

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According to the article I read “Heavy Social Media Use linked with Mental Health Issues in teens” states that using more than two hours of social media in teens each day is trouble for their mental health. They conducted a study of 750 students from seven through twelfth grades. Students were asked various questions regarding their health and well- being. The researchers found that the users that were on the sites a lot to have poor health problems like depression or anxiety. ( The Huffington post)  As a parent myself who also works with kids on a daily basis that number does not surprise me. For example today I was walking down the hallway of the school I work at and I counted like 15 students on their phone waiting for the teacher to come. I wish there was a no phone policy. At my older son’s school they do have rules as to when they can have their phones out and if they take them out when they are not suppose to they get them taken away. I am a firm believer that kids do not need their phone while in school. If a parent needs to contact their child they can call the office just like when I was a child and I lived. Also, we have rules in the house when it comes to any device.  My children know that it goes away when they have homework and when we eat dinner. Also when it comes time for bed no device can be in their rooms. I know this is a huge issue all around the world. I believe if maybe more parents were aware of the problems that social media is causing to their child I would hope that they would do something about it and make a change especially for their child.


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