Advertisements are beginning to show up on every website we visit regardless of what we are doing. Scrolling through Facebook and Twitter you see ads, watching videos on Youtube you see ads, even reading an article ads appear. However the ads that appear on Twitter or any article you read are not directed at you because of your demographic like Facebook. Ads that appear on your Facebook wall are specifically directed at you for being a certain age, gender, who you follow, and what you search for. Until recently YouTube ads were not specifically directed at you instead a random ad would play before the video you are trying to watch plays. However Lucy Handley, author of What You do on Google can now Determine the Ads You’re Served on YouTube, says that Google searches and demographic information can be used to influence what ads are shown to people on YouTube. Meaning that YouTube ads are now going to be like Facebook ads in the sense that they are specifically directed at you based on what you search on Google. Some Facebook users think that Facebook ads have to much data on their users because they can direct ads based on your personal information and searches so with YouTube doing similar advertisements people may become more upset and feel their privacy is violated. The full article is available at
Handley, L. (2017, January 24). What you do on Google can now determine the ads you’re served on YouTube. Retrieved January 24, 2017, from