The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has documented a series of brutal pushbacks on the Bosnia-Croatian border involving dozens of asylum seekers between 12 and 16 October.
Category Archives: government
golden passports
Armenia and Azerbaijan
“a decades-old conflict between majority Christian Armenia and mainly Muslim Azerbaijan, with Russia calling for an immediate ceasefire and another regional power, Turkey, saying it would support Azerbaijan.”
#Putin and #Erdogan, not #Russia and #Turkey:
“Mr. Erdogan, promising support for traditional ally Azerbaijan, said Armenia was “the biggest threat to peace in the region”
which confirms the end of Ataturk’s secular policy; Erdogan fights to keep his autocratic rule choosing religious fundamentalists as the most loyal from his shrinking base of supporters, no different than Trump.
Erdogan counts on people’s short memory, since the 90s conflict on the Balkan clearly showed that there are no innocent Muslims as they were no innocent Christians for his #propaganda
While dictators and politicians follow their own agenda, innocent people will die.
#patriotism is NOT #nationalism, LESS #chauvinism
rescuing migrants
xenophobia explained
Refugee Crisis
Europe’s war on migration
by Philippe Rekacewicz, 16 October 2013
The geography of an unwanted humanity
MCOM 218- Peace for Our Planet
MCOM 218- Peace for Our Planet is now available as an LEP Goal 8 (Global Perspectives) course online for Fall 2020.
Dr. Roya Akhavan presents a timely course where students will explore how racism, nationalism, religious strife, gender inequality, and extremes of wealth and poverty function as the root causes of violence and war, and how applying best practices in mass communication can contribute to creating a more just and peaceful world.