the story of the filmmaker, whose grandparents escaped the beginning of the 20th century pogroms in Odessa is not less interesting of the story about the movie and the movie itself
the story of the filmmaker, whose grandparents escaped the beginning of the 20th century pogroms in Odessa is not less interesting of the story about the movie and the movie itself
His talk of ‘unity’ was ideological code not for re-creating the Soviet Union out of nostalgia for the Marxist-Leninist state. It was code for legitimating his dream of an ethno-nationalist Orthodox Christian mega state, where the category ‘Ukrainian’ is reducible and subsumable all-the-way-down to the category ‘Russian’. Putin’s notion of unity – his ‘bad Hegelianism’ – is fascistic, insofar as it seeks the erasure of individuality and difference under the blanket of universality and identity.
“Europe’s last dictator” won’t hold on to power forever. But he has invented a new weapon.
Three teenagers stand accused of hijacking a merchant vessel to get to Malta. They face stiff sentences – even though…
Posted by SPIEGEL International on Friday, March 26, 2021