Students are struggling to afford the rising cost of attending college, while also not being represented by the materials they are introduced within their courses. Tuition is an expected expense, with the largest cause of these expenses being textbooks and other required materials. These textbooks and required materials have a lot of flaws outside of … Continue reading How Instructors Can Make the Switch from Traditional to Inclusive Materials
AI’s Transformative Impact on the Higher Education Landscape
Academia believes there are several positive impacts from using artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education. AI can enhance the learning and teaching process while helping students develop valuable skills and competencies. However, the research also highlights some potential downsides of AI implementation. There are concerns about negative psychosocial effects on students and faculty. Data security … Continue reading AI’s Transformative Impact on the Higher Education Landscape
Fostering Collaborative Learning: Strategies for Quality Student Engagement
Dive into the world of interactive learning! Discover how innovative tools and strategies are revolutionizing student engagement in online education. Imagine a classroom where discussions aren’t a chore, but a chance to bounce ideas off classmates, explore topics creatively, and even have a little fun. That’s the power of collaboration in action! It explores why … Continue reading Fostering Collaborative Learning: Strategies for Quality Student Engagement
Exploring the Latest Innovations in Online Teaching Methods and Learning Approaches
In recent years, the field of education has witnessed a profound transformation with the advent of online teaching methods and learning approaches. These innovations have revolutionized the way knowledge is imparted and acquired, bridging geographical barriers and offering unprecedented flexibility to learners of all ages and backgrounds. As technology continues to evolve, educators and institutions … Continue reading Exploring the Latest Innovations in Online Teaching Methods and Learning Approaches
Closing The Distance: Understanding Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)
Online learning has become more common as technology advances rapidly, with the global pandemic being the push that ushered in-person classrooms into the digital world. This change brings many advantages to students and instructors, by allowing access to everyone wherever they are. This means the convenience of instructors producing recorded lectures so that students can … Continue reading Closing The Distance: Understanding Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)